Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0417

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incorporating inclusion of names, amendments, transportation or deletion of entries in the relevant parts of the basic roll itself, so however that no change shall be made in the process of such integration in the name of any elector or in any particulars relating to any elector, as given in the list of amendments.

22. Appeals from orders deciding claims and objections.- (1) An appeal shall lie from any decision of the registration officer under Rule 18, Rule 19 or Rule 20 to such officer of Government as the State Election Commission may designate in this behalf (hereinafter referred to as the appellate officer)

Provided that an appeal shall not lie where the person desiring to appeal has not availed himself of his right to be heard by, or to make representations to the registration officer on the matter which is the subject of appeal.

(2) Every appeal under sub-rule (1) shall be-

(a) in the form of a memorandum signed by the appellant, and accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against and a fee of Rs.2 (Rupees two) to be paid

(i) by means of non-judicial stamps, or

(ii) in such other manner as may be directed by the State Election Commission, and

(b) presented to the appellate officer within a period of fifteen days from the date of announcement of the decision or sent to that officer by registered post so as to reach him within that period.

(3) The presentation of an appeal under this rule shall not have the effect of staying or postponing any action to be taken by the registration officer under Rule 21.

(4) Every decision of the appellate officer shall be final:

but insofar as it reverses or modifies a decision of the registration officer, shall take effect only from the date of the decision in appeal.

(5) The registration officer shall cause such amendments to be made in the roll as may be necessary to give effect to the decisions of the appellate officer under this rule.

23. Special provision for preparation of rolls on redelimitation of constituencies.-

(1) If any constituency is delimited anew in accordance with law and it is necessary urgently to prepare the roll for such constituency, the State Election Commission may direct that it shall be prepared-

(a) by putting together the rolls of such of the existing constituencies or parts thereof as are comprised within the new constituency; and

(b) by making appropriate alterations in the arrangement, serial numbering and headings of the rolls so compiled.

(2) The roll so prepared shall be published in the manner specified in Rule 21 and shall, on such publication be the electoral roll for the new constituency.

24. Revision of rolls.- (1) The roll for every constituency shall be revised under subsection (2) of Section 22 of the Act either intensively or summarily or partly intensively and partly summarily as the State Election Commission may direct.

(2) Where the roll or any part thereof is to be revised intensively in any year, it shall be prepared afresh and Rules 3 to 22 shall apply in relation to such revision as they apply in relation to the first preparation of a roll.

(3) When the roll or any part thereof is to be revised summarily in any year, the registration
