Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0216

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(2) The constitution, powers and procedure of a joint committee and the mSecethod of settling differences of opinion arising in the committee shall be such as may be prescribed.

166. Powers, duties and functions of Village Panchayat.-' (1) 73[xx] It shall be duty of the Village Panchayat to meet the requirements of the Village Panchayat area in respect of the matters enumerated in the Third Schedule:

74[Provided that it shall be the duty of the Village Panchayat to render services to the inhabitants of the Village Panchayat area in respect of the matters enumerated as mandatory functions in the Third Schedule.]

(2) Subject to the other provisions of this Act and the guidelines and assistance financial, technical or otherwise, of the Government, the Village Panchayat shall have exclusive power to administer the matters enumerated in the Third Schedule 75[and to prepare and implement schemes relating thereto for economic development and social justice]

(3) Village Panchayat shall also have powers to enhance employment facilities and to undertake developmenta l activities and to start manpower banks, under the leadership of the Village Panchayats.

76[Explanation.- Man power Bank means a bank having the known details of skilled and unskilled persons who are willing to render service on requirement and the Village Panchayat shall maintain a register for the purpose and it shall contain other details as prescribed.]

(4) The Government, the District Panchayat and the Block Panchayat shall, subject to availability of resources, provide necessary financial, technical and other assistance to the Village Panchayats to enable them to discharge their functions.

(5) All grants-in-aid sanctioned by the Government in respect of the matters enumerated in the Third Schedule shall be distributed through the Village Panchayat concerned.

(6) The Government shall, as soon as may be, after the commencement of this Act, transfer all institutions, schemes, buildings and other properties, assets and liabilities connected with the matter referred to in the Third Schedule to the Village Panchayats 77[and every institution so transferred shall be in the name of the said Village Panchayat and shall be known accordingly.]

(7) The Village Panchayat shall administer the institutions and schemes transferred to it, subject to the guidelines and technical assistance of the Government and in accordance with the State and national policies.

(8) The Village Panchayat shall not have any power to sell, transfer, alienate or pledge the properties transferred to it.]

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ