Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0215

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(2) The steering committee shall co-ordinate and monitor the functions of the standing committees and shall perform such other powers and functions as may be entrusted to it by the Panchayat:]

163. Constitution of Functional Committees.-(1) Every Panchayat may subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, constitute Functional Committees for different subjects like agriculture, sanitation, communication, public health and education, consisting of members of Panchayat and others who are interested in public welfare and who are nominated by the Panchayat.

69[Provided that members nominated by the Panchayat shall not have any right to vote]

(2) The powers and functions of the Functional Committees shall be such as may be prescribed in this behalf.


By allowing the Ex Officio members to contest again as members of the standing committee one will be negativing the basic principles of representations envisaged in the Act and Rules. Always attempt of the standing committee as mentioned in the Act & Rules in maintained. - Alicekutty V. Kadambazhippuram Grama Panchayat – 1996(2) KLT 203.

164. Sub-Committees and Ward Committees.- (1) Every Panchayat may constitute sub-committees to assist the Standing Committee or Functional Committees for the execution of any work, scheme, project or plan, which may consist of members of the Panchayat and others interested in public welfare who may be nominated by the Panchayat.

70[Provided that the nominated members shall have no right to vote.] 150

71[(1a) If not less than fifty persons enrolled in the voters list relating to a constituency of Village Panchayat belongs to Scheduled Tribe, they shall be deemed to be a SubCommittee of the Grama Sabha comprised in the territorial area of that constituency and that sub-committee shall have the same powers and rights as that of the Grama Sabha regarding the development of Scheduled Tribe.]

(2) The Village Panchayat may constitute Ward Committee for each constituency with the member of the constituency concerned and other local inhabitants who may be nominated by the Village Panchayat to study and report on the needs of the constituency.

(3) The composition, term, procedure, nature of functions of the committees constituted under sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) shall be as laid down in the byelaws of the Panchayat concerned.

72[165. Constitution of Joint Committee.- (1) A Panchayat may, along with one or more local self government institutions constitute a Joint Committee for any purpose for which they are jointly responsible, if the Panchayat so decided or the Government so requires.]

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ