Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0089

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(s) to perform such other functions as may be prescribed from time to time.

(2) The Grama Sabha shall, in its ordinary meeting or in a special meeting convened for the purpose, discuss the report referred to in sub-section (6) of Section 3 and it shall have the right to know about the budgetary provisions, the details of plan outlay, item wise allocation of funds and details of the estimates and cost of materials of works executed or proposed to be executed within the area of the Grama Sabha.

(3) The Audit report or the performance audit report placed for the consideration of the Grama Sabha shall be discussed in the meeting and its views, recommendations and suggestions shall be communicated to the concerned Village Panchayat.

(4) The quorum of the Grama Sabha shall be ten per cent of the number of voters of its area and the procedure for convening and conducting meetings of the Grama Sabha shall be such as may be prescribed: Provided that the quorum of the meeting of a Grama Sabha which was adjourned earlier for want of quorum shall be fifty when convened again.

(5) The Officers of the Village Panchayat shall attend the meetings of the Grama Sabha as may be required by the President and an officer nominated by the Village Panchayat as the co-ordinator of the Grama Sabha shall assist the convener in convening and conducting the meetings of the Grama Sabha and in recording its decisions in the Minutes Book and also in taking up follow up action thereon.

(6) The Grama Sabha may appoint, elect or constitute, general or special subcommittees for the detailed discussion on any issues or programmes and for the effective implementation of the schemes and its decisions and in furtherance of its rights and responsibilities: Provided that such committees shall consist of not less than ten members of whom, not less than half shall be women.

(7) Resolutions may be passed on majority basis, in the meetings of the Grama Sabha in respect of any issue within its jurisdiction, however, effort should be made to take decision on the basis of general consensus as far as possible.

(8) When beneficiaries are to be selected according to any scheme, project or plan, the criterion for eligibility and order of priority shall be fixed by the Panchayat subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in the scheme, project or plan and such criterion shall be published in the manner prescribed and intimated to the Grama Sabhas:

(9) The priority list prepared by Grama Panchayat after inviting applications for the selection of beneficiaries and conducting enquiries on the application received, shall be scrutinised at the meeting of the Grama Sabha in which the applicants are also invited and a final list of the deserving beneficiaries, in the order of priority, shall be prepared and sent for the approval or the Grama Panchayat: Provided that the Village Panchayat shall not change the order of priority in the list sent by the Grama Sabha for approval

3B. Responsibilities of Grama Sabha.-

(1) The Grama Sabha shall have the following responsibilities, namely: (i) dissemination of information regarding developmental and welfare activities;