Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0088

From Panchayatwiki

(a) to render assistance in the collection and compilation of details required to formulate development plans of the Panchayat;

(b) to formulate the proposals and fixing of priority of schemes and development programmes to be implemented in the area of Village Panchayat;

(c) to prepare and submit to the Village Panchayat a final list of eligible beneficiaries in the order of priority relating to the beneficiary oriented schemes on the basis of the criteria fixed;

(d) to render assistance to implement effectively the development schemes by providing facilities locally required;

(e) to provide and mobilise voluntary service and contribution in cash or in kind necessary for the development plans;

(f) suggesting the location of street lights, street or community water taps, public wells, public sanitation units, irrigation facilities and such other public utility schemes;

(g) to formulate schemes to impart awareness on matters of public interest like cleanliness, environmental protection, pollution control and to give protection against social evils like corruption, illicit and clandestine transactions;

(h) to promote harmony and unity among various groups of people within the area of the Grama Sabha and to organise arts and sports festivals to develop goodwill among the people of that locality;

(i) to monitor and render assistance to the beneficiary committees engaged in the developmental activities within the area of the Village Panchayat;

(j) to verify the eligibility of persons getting various kinds of welfare assistance from the Government such as pensions and subsidies;

(k) to collect information regarding the detailed estimates of works proposed to be implemented in the area of the Grama Sabha;

(1) to make available details regarding the services to be rendered and the activities proposed to be done by the concerned officials in the succeeding three months;

(n) to know the follow up action taken on the decisions of the Grama Sabha and the detailed reasons for not implementing any of the decisions;

(o) to co-operate with the employees of the Village Panchayats in the sanitation processes and rendering voluntary service for the removal of garbage;

(p) to find out the deficiencies in the arrangements for water supply, street lighting etc. within the area of the Grama Sabha and to suggest remedial measures;

(q) to assist the activities of parent-teacher associations of the schools within the area of the Grama Sabha;

(r) to assist the public health activities especially prevention of diseases and family welfare, within the area of the Grama Sabha;