Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0767

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Rule 27 THE KERALA PANCHAYAT BUILDINGS RU 767 2.40 the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Kerala/ Ministry of Environment and Forests, the Local Self Government Institution shall not issue permit without ensuring a valid prior environmental clearance.] (5) No building or part of a building shall be constructed or re-constructed and no additions or alterations to any existing building shall be made in the intervening spaces between the building and any overhead electric supply line unless as described in Table I below and specified in the Indian Electricity Rules as amended from time to time. 28[Provided that, single storied buildings shall be allowed, even if the above mentioned clearance is not available, if the applicant produces a No Objection Certificate from the Chief Electrical Inspector or an officer authorised by him, before issuance of permit]. (6) The required permission/No Objection Certificates of any other Departments/Agencies as required under law may also be obtained for any land developments and constructions. de STE TABLET Clearance from Overhead Electric Lines SI.No Type of Electric supply Line 13h Minimum Vertical Minimum Horizontal He clearance in metres clearance in metres 1 Low and medium voltage lines 1.20 2 High voltage lines up to ir and including 33000 volts 3.70 1.85 CENTRE 3 0 Extra high voltage lines 3.70 plus 0.30m for every 1.85 plus 0.30m for above 33000 volts additional 33000 volts or every additional o part thereof 33000 volts or part E thereof 27. Exterior and interior open air spaces.-(1) Every room intended for human habitation shall abut on an exterior or interior open space or verandah open to such exterior or interior open space and such open space shall be maintained for the benefit of the building exclusively and shall be entirely within the owner's own premises and shall be open to the sky and is barred from being subdivided, partitioned or legally bifurcated or transacted in any manner whatsoever, till ch date when the structure itself is demolished and shall be kept free from any erection thereon other than those specially allowed in these rules. mon (2) In case a group of buildings are to be put up within any plot belonging to the same owner or by different owners of adjoining lands jointly the area of the land remaining after accounting for the mandatory front, rear and side yards from the boundary of the plot shall be considered as buildable area of the plot where the buildings may be constructed subject to the conditions regarding floor area ratio, coverage, access, light and ventilation, etc. for the whole plot. The distance in between the various blocks within this area shall be 29[minimum 2 metres for buildings up to 10 metres in height and 3 metres exceeding that height]. is be (3) Every building up to 10 metres in height shall have a clear front yard of 3 metres depth: Provided that where this depth cannot be obtained laterally through out due to the peculiar shape of the plot, it shall suffice if the mean depth is not less than 3 metres with minimum depth at all points not less than 1.80 metres. (4) Every building up to 10 metres in height shall have a minimum rear yard of 2 metres depth: 28. Proviso added by S.R.O. No. 26/2014, w.e.f. 13-1-2014. AS 29. Substituted for "minimum 3 metres for buildings up to 10 metres in height" by S.R.O. No. 26/2014, w.e.f. 13-1-2014 ATEDROSOVA