Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0806

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mercantile or commercial and storage occupancy, 60 per cent for assembly, office and Low and medium hazard industrial occupancy (Group G1),50 per cent for educational, medical or hospital and high hazard industrial occupancy (Group G2) and 40 per cent for hazardous occupancy (Group 1).]

(2) The maximum floor area permissible based on the FAR values for various occupancies shall be calculated as follows:

(a) Floor area based on FAR permissible as per column (4a) and (5a) of table 2 in rule 35 for the extent of the plot prior to surrendering of land + an incentive floor area of twice the FAR permissible as per column (4a) and (5a) respectively of the table 2 in rule 35 for the extent of the land surrendered free of cost:

Provided that the maximum FAR permissible calculated in the above manner shall not exceed the FAR as per column (4b) or (4c) in the case of Category 1 Village Panchayats and as per column (5b) in the case of Category Il Village Panchayats respectively of table 2 for the entire land:

Provided further that the FAR of column (4b) or (4c) in the case of Category I Village Panchayats and column (5b) in the case of Category II Village Panchayats respectively of table 2 for the entire land shall be permitted on payment of additional fee at the rate specified in Table 2, for the difference in area if any.

'80. Set back, height, etc'.- (1) For building under various occupancies the mandatory open space/set back from the proposed road boundary to the building shall be reduced by the breadth of the land so surrendered from that side, subject to a minimum of 3 metres from the boundary of the proposed road:

Provided that, in the case of plots up to 125 sq. metres of area left after surrendering land for road schemes other than National Highways and State Highways, the committee constituted under Rule 82 may, considering the width of the land, surrendered and left behind shall permit reduction in the said distance to such extent that, after such reduction, there shall be a minimum of 1.5 metres distance from the abutting new road boundary:

Provided further that set backs on all other sides shall be reduced in proportion to the percentage of the land surrendered subject to a maximum reduction of 50% of the mandatory open space required for the respective occupancies:

Provided also that, in the case of 86[high rise building] safety provision for high rise buildings as provided in Chapter XIX of these rules shall apply.

(2) In addition to the minimum front, rear and side open spaces required as per (1) above for height up to 10 metres, proportionate increase in such minimum open spaces at the rate of 0.5 meter per every 3 metres height exceeding 10 metres shall be provided;

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, in the case of buildings part on which has been demolished for the purposes specified in Rule 77, construction or reconstruction of wall with or without door(s) or shutter(s) shall be permitted on the side abutting the road, without structural alteration:

Provided that the door, shutter shall not open outward.

(4) Building lines specified in Town Planning Schemes, other than special building lines prescribed considering urban design or heritage aspects, and general provisions regarding the