Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0569

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12. Meat to be sent to the meat stalls.

- After slaughtering the animals the meat shall be sent to the meat stalls as quick as possible. Meat shall be sent by covering it in such a way as to avoid dust or houseflies and also hidden from the sight of others.

13. Inspection of meat entrails and offals.--

Meat entrails and offals shall be removed in covered or closed carts or baskets. The officer-in-charge of slaughter house shall inspect daily all such carts and baskets and see that they are clean and suitable. The bones shall be collected in places set apart for the purpose.

14. The animals brought for slaughter should be clean.-

The person who brings animals for slaughter shall keep the animals clean and shall see that they are kept in-charge of a keeper and secured by ropes to prevent them from injuring one another, and shall provide them with 12 hours rest ®[xx] and water prior to their being led to slaughter. There shall be waiting sheds near the slaughter house for different kinds of animals where they could be tethered and o[plenty of water shall be given] for 12 hours. 1°[They shall not be fed during the above said 12 hours.]

15. Number of animals to be admitted at a time not to exceed the maximum permitted.—

The Secretary shall affix a notice fixing the maximum number of animals permitted to be in the slaughter chamber at a time. No person shall bring or admit any animal into the slaughter chamber so long as there is maximum number of animals permitted to be therein or so long as carcasses or blood or refuse from their intestine has not been removed.

16. Slaughtering to be done only at places specially allotted.—

Animals shall be slaughtered only in places specially allotted for them in the slaughter house.

17. Meat of animals slaughtered to be inspected and stamped.—

The Veterinary Surgeon of the Animal Husbandry Department of the village panchayat area specially authorized by that village panchayat in this behalf, shall inspect whether the meat of the slaughtered animal is fit for sale for human consumption, and if he finds it fit, stamp it thereof accordingly. No one shall sell or keep for sale meat without such a stamp.]

18. Destruction of meat unfit for use.

The inspecting Authority may at any time inspect the meat of a slaughtered animal and if find the same as diseased or unfit for human consumption, it shall not be allowed to be removed by the owner and shall be seized and destroyed. The expenses incurred for the same shall be realized from the owner. The panchayat shall have the right to cancel the licence of an owner who sells or stores such meat unfit for consumption: Provided that before the seizure and destroyal of the meat, if the owner so demands the Veterinary Surgeon specially authorized under Rule 17 shall inspect that meat and on the basis of that, the meat shall be realeased or seized and destroyed, as the case may be.]