Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0930

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          74. Commitment for Expenditure. No expenditure shall be committed by issue of sanction order/work order without there being sufficient Budget provision for such expenditure. If sufficient Budget provision is not available the Secretary shall not issue the sanction order/work order. In case expenditure is to be incurred additional provision is to be obtained through a supplemental or revised budget.



          75. Applicability of other Rules and Orders Save as otherwise provided in these rules or orders issued by the Government, the provisions of the various rules framed by the Government of Kerala. Various departmental manual as applicable, orders and/or instructions applicable to the Departments of Government, orders applicable to the Treasury transactions, provisions of the Kerala Account Code, the Kerala Treasury Code and the Kerala Financial Code, shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to all matters relating to the drawal of Funds, forms of the bills, incurring of the expenditure, maintenance of accounts, rendering of accounts, etc.

          76. Government shall issue orders and guidelines from time to time. relating to the Treasury Transactions of the Local Self Government Institutions and they shall be applicable to the Panchayats Accounts.

          77. Cash and Accounts functions to be kept distinct. The Cash and Accounts functions of the Panchayat shall be kept distinct from each other under distinct officials who shall be termed 'Cashier' and 'Accountant respectively. The same person shall not compile the Panchayat's accounts and receive the collections on behalf of the Panchayat.

          78. Opening Balance Sheet. (1) Valuation of assets for facilitating preparation of Opening Balance Sheet of the Panchayath shall be done as provided in the Accounts Manual.

            (2) If, after the Opening Balance sheet is prepared, any error or omission is noticed, such error should be rectified or omission shall be incorporated in the opening balance sheet figure by routing it through an 'Opening Balance Sheet Adjustment' entry.

            (3) Any such adjustment shall be placed before the Panchayat for approval before it is included in the accounts.

          79. Write back of unreconciled items in Bank Reconciliation Statements, old unpaid Deposits, Provisions, etc. (1) The Secretary shall cause to write back after the lapse of the prescribed period, the amounts of unreconciled items in Bank Reconciliation Statement, old unpaid deposits, provisions etc., to the books of the Panchayat.

            (2) The period after which, the items mentioned in sub-rule(1), are to be written back shall be as prescribed by the Government in the orders issued in this behalf. :

          80. Asset Registers The Secretary shall maintain appropriate Asset Registers as prescribed by the Government to record the details of all movable and immovable assets owned by the Panchayat or assigned/transferred to the Panchayat.

          81. Misappropriation of Panchayat fund. Whenever a misappropriation of Panchayat Fund, store or any property is discovered, the Secretary shall report the same to the President, Police, the Government and the Auditor. After the necessary procedures are carried out, the Secretary shall initiate disciplinary proceedings as per the relevant rules.

          82. Forms. (1) No account forms other than those prescribed under these rules shall be used by the Panchayat when the accounts are maintained manually. When the accounting procedure is computerized, the forms shall be as prescribed by the Government in this behalf.