Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0615

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Revision as of 12:03, 24 January 2019 by Rtv1972 (talk | contribs) (' :(i) The name and details of work; :(ii) The time within which the work shall be completed; :(iii) Rough estimate amo...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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(i) The name and details of work;
(ii) The time within which the work shall be completed;
(iii) Rough estimate amount;
(iv) Place from which tender form can be obtained;
(v) Last date and time of acceptance of tender;
(vi) To whom tender shall be submitted;
(vii) Appointed time and place where scrutiny of plan, estimate and conditions of contract can be made;
(viii) Details as to whether actual cost of the work to be recorded or fixed percentage excess or below or over the estimated rate to be recorded or separate rates for each item of work included in the estimate shall be stated in the tender;
(ix) Time at which and place where tenders shall be opened;
(x) The amount of earnest money deposit along with the tender and if the tender is accepted the amount of security deposit to be remitted;
(xi) The Panchayat reserves the right to reject any tender or all tenders without assigning any reason.

(3) The precise form of the tender notice shall be published in the newspaper in the following manner, namely:

(a) In the case of works of which the estimate cost comes between rupees one lakh and rupees ten lakhs, in a daily having wide circulation in the Panchayat area and if necessary, in other dailies, by giving not less than ten days time.
(b) In the case of works of which the estimate cost comes between rupees ten lakhs and rupees fifty lakhs, in two Malayalam dailies having wide circulation all over the State, compulsorily and if necessary, in other dailies, by giving not less than twenty days time.
(c) In the case of works of which the estimate cost exceeds rupees fifty lakhs, in two Malayalam dailies having wide circulation all over the State and in an English daily having wide circulation in national level compulsorily and if necessary, in other dailies, by giving not less than twenty days time.

10. Acceptance of tenders.-(1) Sealed tenders shall be submitted before the officer who has issued tender notice. Postal tenders can also be sent in the manner as specified by the Government.

(2) Along with the tender, there shall be the earnest money as stated in the tender notice, which may be submitted in cash or in the form of National Savings Certificate or any other bond as specified by the Government.

(3) A preliminary agreement in the proforma as specified by the Government shall be enclosed with the tender for the work of which the estimated cost exceeding rupees fifty thousand.

(4) Tender rates in the tender shall be recorded both in figures and in words.

(5) The list of cash received as earnest money and other documents shall be kept by the officer who receives the tender.

(6) The tenders in sealed covers shall be kept in sealed box under the direct safe custody of the officer who received the tender, until they are opened and they shall be opened by the above officer at the time appointed in that behalf, in the presence of such of the contractors or their agents who have submitted the tenders.