Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0614

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(2) In any Panchayat, in the absence of an Engineer having charge of the Panchayat, in the grade mentioned in sub-rule (1), technical sanction shall be obtained from an Engineer not below such grade of a Government Department, or of any nearest Municipality or Panchayat: Provided that, if the Government have so entrusted, by a special or general order, technical sanction may be obtained from such entrusted technical experts or panel of technical experts or from a technical institution owned or recognised by the Government.

(3) If any Panchayat obtains technical sanction from an Engineer of any other Municipality under sub-rule (2), an amount equal to 0.75% of the approved estimate shall be given as centage charges to the Municipality in which the Engineer who has given technical sanction has been working.

(4) If an Engineer mentioned under sub-rule (1) is of opinion that any plan and estimate exceeding rupees 20 lakhs (Twenty lakhs) for which the advice and approval of the Chief Engineer of the Public Works Department of the Government is considered necessary, he may do so:

Provided that, in the case of estimate of electrical works exceeding Rs. 6.5 lakhs (Six and a half lakhs), technical sanction shall be obtained from the competent Engineer of the Electrical Wing of the Public Works Department of the Government.

(5) An estimate for which administrative and technical sanction has been obtained shall be a public record and on requisition it shall be given for scrutiny, and its copy shall be issued after realising the fees fixed by the Panchayat.

8. Invitation of Tenders.- (1) Upon the orders of the President, the Secretary or any other officer authorised by the Panchayat, shall invite tenders for execution of public work if the Panchayat has decided to execute it through a contractor:

Provided that, for works of which the estimated cost does not exceed rupees five thousand and for works of an emergent nature to be executed under sub-section (5) of Section 156, tender may not be invited compulsorily and the execution of such works shall be arranged by short notice quotation or by the Panchayat directly.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) every works of which estimated cost is Rs. 70 lakhs or more pre-qualification tender shall be invited compulsorily and for this purpose a panel of contractors shall be prepared by the Panchayat with the sanction of the technical committee specified under sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 and tender shall be invited only from such contractors included in that panel.

(3) There shall be no condition for securing supply of steel, cement, etc., by the Panchayat to the contractor, for a tendered work and the contractor shall purchase and utilise them and the concerned Engineer shall satisfy the quality of the materials by testing them:

Provided that, for reason to be recorded, if the construction materials are supplied by the Panchayat, its cost shall be realised from the contractor in accordance with the rules in force in the Public Works Department.

(4) The liability to pay the taxes, subscription towards the Construction Workers Welfare Fund etc., shall be on the contractor.

9. Publication of tender notice.-(1) The notice inviting tender shall be published on the notice board of the Panchayat office, offices of the Public Works Department of the Government in the Panchayat area and in other offices which may deem necessary.

(2) The notice inviting tenders published under sub-rule (1) shall include the following particulars, namely:-