Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1141

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(k) direct street sweepers not to burn tree leaves collected from street sweeping and store them separately and handover to the waste collectors or agency authorised by local body;

(l) provide training on solid waste management to waste-pickers and waste collectors;

(m) collect waste from vegetable, fruit, flower, meat, poultry and fish market on day to day basis and promote setting up of decentralised compost plant or bio-methanation plant at suitable locations in the markets or in the vicinity of markets ensuring hygienic conditions;

(n) collect separately waste from sweeping of streets, lanes and by-lanes daily, or on alternate days or twice a week depending on the density of population, commercial activity and local situation;

(o) set up covered secondary storage facility for temporary storage of street sweepings and silt removed from surface drains in cases where direct collection of such waste into transport vehicles is not convenient. Waste so collected shall be collected and disposed of at regular intervals as decided by the local body;

(p) collect horticulture, parks and garden waste separately and process in the parks and gardens, as far as possible;

(q) transport segregated bio-degradable waste to the processing facilities like compost plant, bio-methanation plant or any such facility. Preference shall be given for on site processing of such waste;

(r) transport non-bio-degradable waste to the respective processing facility or material recovery facilities or secondary storage facility;

(s) transport construction and demolition waste as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste management Rules, 2016;

(t) involve communities in waste management and promotion of home composting, biogas generation, decentralised processing of waste at community level subject to control of odour and maintenance of hygienic conditions around the facility;

(u) phase out the use of chemical fertilizer in two years and use compost in all parks, gardens maintained by the local body and wherever possible in other places under its jurisdiction. Incentives may be provided to recycling initiatives by informal waste recycling sector.

(v) facilitate construction, operation and maintenance of solid waste processing facilities and associated infrastructure on their own or with private sector participation or through any agency for optimum utilisation of various components of solid waste adopting suitable technology including the following technologies and adhering to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Urban Development from time to time and standards prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board. Preference shall be given to decentralised processing to minimize transportation cost and environmental impacts such as

(a) bio-methanation, microbial composting, vermi-composting, anaerobic digestion or any other appropriate processing for bio-stabilisation of biodegradable wastes;

(b) waste to energy processes including refused derived fuel for combustible fraction of waste or supply as feed stock to solid waste based power plants or cement kilns;

(w) undertake on their own or through any other agency construction, operation and maintenance of sanitary landfill and associated infrastructure as per Schedule 1 for disposal of residual wastes in a manner prescribed under these rules;

(x) make adequate provision of funds for capital investments as well as operation and maintenance of solid waste management services in the annual budget ensuring that funds for discretionary functions of the local body have been allocated only after meeting the requirement of

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ