Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0743

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(by) porch means a canopy supported on pillars or otherwise and used for the purpose of pedestrian or vehicular approach to a building;

(bz) 'rear yard' means the utility open space extending laterally along the rear side of the plot and forming part of the plot; any side other than the rear if used as utility open space shall be deemed as rear yard;

(ca) 're-development of land' means the revision or replacement of an existing land use and population distribution pattern and the clearance and building of the area according to a development plan. It involves the reduction or increase in population densities; the acquisition and clearance of deteriorated buildings, the repair, modernisation and provision of sanitary facilities, water supply and electricity, provision of street, parks or other public improvements, and preservation of predominantly built up areas that are in good condition;

(cb) “registered Architect/ Engineer/Building Designer/Town Planner/Supervisor'means an Architect/Engineer/ Building Designer/ Town Planner/Supervisor registered or deemed to have been registered as such under these rules;

(cc) 'road'means any highway, street, lane, pathway, alley, passageway, carriage way, footway or bridge whether a thorough fare or not, over which the public have a right of passage or access uninterruptedly for a specified period; whether existing or proposed in any “[town planning] scheme;

[(cca) 'road level means the officially established elevation of the centre line of the road upon which a plot abuts and if there is no officially established elevation, the existing elevation of the centre line of the road];

(cd) 'row building' means a row of buildings with only front and rear open spaces with or without interior open spaces;

(ce) 'Secretary' means the Secretary of a Village panchayat.

(cf) 'section means a Section in the Panchayat Raj Act 1994(13 of 1994);

(cg) 'Security Zone' means any area, identified and delineated by the Home Department of the state government as Security Zone from time to time and notified and published in the government gazette by the Local Self Government Department. For the purpose of these rules, any area around compounds or sites which accommodate vital or strategic installations, offices, residences, institutions, landmarks, jail compounds, monuments, ports, shipyards, scientific and advanced research centres and the like, which in the opinion of the government, needs special security and necessitates regulations and/or restrictions for constructions and land developments around, can be delineated as security zone; teban TTSONS motino

(ch) 'service road' means a road or lane provided at the rear or side of a plot for service purposes;

(ci) 'service station' means a place where no automobile repairing is done but only washing, cleaning and oiling of automobile take place;

(cj) 'set back line' means a prescribed building line drawn with reference to the centre line or boundary of a street, on the street side of which nothing can be erected or re-erected;

(ck) 'sewer' means a drain used or constructed to be used for conveying solid or liquid waste matter, excremental or otherwise to a sewer;

(cl) 'shop'means a building or part of a building where articles of, food, personal, domestic