Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0742

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(bi) 'occupancy group' means the principal occupancy for which a plot, a building or part of a building is used or intended to be used; for the purpose of classification of a plot or building according to occupancy, an occupancy shall be deemed to include the subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it;

(bj) 'open space'means an area, forming an integral part of the plot left open to the sky;

(bk) operational construction means a construction whether temporary or permanent which is necessary for the operation, maintenance, development or execution of any of the services essential to the life of the community or so declared by the Central or State Government from time to time;

[(bl) 'owner' includes a person who, for the time being, is receiving or is entitled to receive the amount of lease or the rent of any land or building, whether on his own account or on account of himself and others or as an agent, trustee, guardian or receiver for any other person or who shall so receive the amount of lease or the rent, if the land or building or part thereof were let to a lessee or a tenant on lease or rent;]

(bm) 'Panchayat means a panchayat constituted under section 4 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 (13 of 1994);

(bn) parapet' means a low wall not more than 1.2 m in height built along the edge of a roof or floor; c to me

(bo) 'parking space' means an area enclosed or unenclosed, sufficient in size to park vehicles, together with a drive way connecting the parking space with a street or alley and permitting ingress and egress of vehicles;

(bp) 'passageway'means a means of access; and is synonymous with corridor;

(bq) pathway'means an approach constructed with materials, such as bricks, concrete, stone, asphalt, or the like; (br) permit' means a permission or authorisation in writing by the Secretary to carry out the work;

(bs) 'Persons with disability' means, persons with disability as defined in Clause (t) of Section 2 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (Act 1 of 1996).

(bt) 'plinth' means the portion of a structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and surface of the floor, first above the ground;

(bu) (plinth area' means area of the building at the plinth level, does not include the area of open porch not enclosed by walls, uncovered staircase and the like;

(bv) ‘plot' means a parcel or piece of land enclosed by definite boundaries;

(bw) ‘plot corner' means a plot abutting two or more intersecting streets;

(bx) 'pollution control board' means the Kerala State Pollution Control Board;