Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1123

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(i) identify buildings and precincts which require conservation and prepare or get prepared list of such buildings and precincts and grade them;

(ii) inspect sites, buildings and structures thereon and conduct studies, surveys and documentation for listing and status monitoring of buildings, precincts from time to time, through any person or agency authorised by the Kerala Urban Art Commission;

(iii) conduct or get conducted detailed studies, surveys and documentation for formulation of model Plans and development controls in respect of any such building or precinct listed by the Kerala Urban Art Commission, zones which require urban design control identified in any Plan under this Act;

(iv) prescribe any architectural style or character or feature to any such building or precinct or zone identified in any Plan under this Act;

(v) submit Annual reports to the Government on matters pertaining to performance and activities carried out by the Kerala Urban Art Commission and matters related thereto;

(vi) take measures for creating public awareness on the importance of urban and environmental design and matters related thereto;

(vii) advise the Government or the Local Self Government Institutions concerned on any subject mentioned above and referred to it;

(viii) attend to any such other matter, as may be prescribed.

92. Services of the Government Departments etc., to the Kerala Urban Art Commission.—The Kerala Urban Art Commission may, for carrying out any of its functions, obtain the services of Government Departments, quasi-Government agencies, Local Self Government Institutions, consultants or experts.

93. Meetings of the Kerala Urban Art Commission.— The Kerala Urban Art Commission shall meet at such times and places and shall observe such procedure, as may be prescribed.

94. Fund for the Kerala Urban Art Commission.- A separate fund shall be created for carrying out the objectives of the Kerala Urban Art Commission, which shall be kept at the disposal of the Kerala Urban Art Commission.

95. Removal of non-official members of the State Town and Country Planning Board, the Development Authority and the Kerala Urban Art Commission.-- (1) The Government may, by order, remove from office any non-official member of the State Town and Country Planning Board and the Kerala Urban Art Commission, if he —

(a) has been adjudged as an insolvent; or

(b) has been convicted of an offence, which in the opinion of the Government, involves moral turpitude; or

(c) has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as Chairperson or member; or

(d) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his function; or

(e) has not attended three consecutive meetings of the Commission without obtaining prior permission from the Commission.

(f) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public interest

(2) No such member shall be removed under clauses (d), (e) and (f) of sub-section (1) unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in the matter.