Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0526

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or manager of a hotel, boarding or lodging house, club or residential chambers to furnish within a specified time, a list in writing containing the names of all persons occupying such building, land, hotel, boarding or lodging house, club or residential chambers, and specifying the profession, art, or appointment of every such person and the rent, if any, paid by him and the period of such occupation.

14. Requisition on employers or their representatives to furnish list. —

The Secretary may, by notice, require any employer or the head or Secretary or Manager of any public or private office, hotel, boarding or lodging house or club or a firm or company,

(a) to furnish within a specified time, a list in writing, of the names of all persons employed by such employer or by such office, hotel, boarding house or company as officers, servants, dubashes, agents, suppliers or contractors with a Statement of the salary or income of such employed persons, and;

(b) to furnish particulars in regard to any company of which such employer or head, Secretary or manager, as the case may be, is the agent.

15. Intimation of change or transfer of trade.-

Every person liable to pay tax shall, when changes the name of his firm or industry or art or place of business or makes any change in the nature of his industry or transfer his business, inform the Secretary in writing within thirty days from the date of making of such change or transfer.

16. Requisition on employers to furnish particulars of income or salary of employees.-(1)

The Secretary shall, immediately after the expiry of the period required for the determination of profession tax of a half year, require the head of office or employer in Form No. 1, to furnish, within fifteen days, the details of total salary or income of the employees in Form No. II.

(2) The head of office or employer shall submit the particulars required by the Secretary within the specified time in Form No. Il and publish a copy of the same in the notice board of that institution inviting the attention of the employees for a period of fifteen days from the date of forwarding of such particulars.

(3) The Secretary shall approve and enter those particulars submitted by the head of office or employer in the concerned register unless the employees objected the correctness of the particulars by producing records for evidence within fifteen days on receipt of it by the Secretary.

(4) The assessment of profession tax shall begin only if the employer makes available such particulars in Form No. Il and the period of limitation for the demand as provided in sub-rule (3) of Rule 8 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj (Taxation, Levy and Appeal) Rules, 1996 shall be deemed to have been commenced only after the receipt of such particulars.

17. Determination of tax and intimation.-

(1) The Secretary) shall, as soon as possible on the receipt of particulars in Form No. Il assess the tax as required under Rule 7 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj (Taxation, Levy and Appeal) Rules, 1996 and send a copy of the bill or notice of demand of tax so assessed to the concerned head of office or employer to exhibit in the notice board or do in whatever manner they deem fit so that the bill and demand notices have come to the notice of the concerned employees. The employee concerned may, if there is any objection against the assessment of tax, file the same before the employer or head of office within 30 days from the date of receipt of such notice.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rules issued under the Act, a public notice issued under sub-rule (1) dispenses with the necessity of issuing tax assessment notice separately to each person.