Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0604

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10. Procedure on commission of offences which may result in imposing major penalties.- (1) If the President or the Panchayat believes that an officer has committed an offence which deserves any major penalty, the President, after conducting the enquiry against such officer or employee shall send the enquiry report together with the opinion of the Panchayat thereon to the appointing authority in the case of an employee of Panchayat referred to in Section 180 and shall send to the Government in the case of an officer or employee whose service has been lent to the Panchayat under sub-rule (1) of Rule 3.

(2) The appointing authority or the Government shall examine in detail the report of the President and opinion of the Panchayat, as the case may be, and if necessary after hearing the President or the officer alleged in person shall take suitable decision regarding initiation of disciplinary action and that decision shall be intimated to the President.

(3) In the case where the appointing authority or the Government decides to initiate disciplinary action against the officer the procedure contained in the Kerala Civil Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1960 shall be observed.

(4) In the case where the alleged officer has been suspended from service under Rule 8, matters as to whether suspension is to be continued or how the period of suspension is to be reckoned shall be examined by the appointing authority or Government, as the case may be, and shall issue suitable order.

11. Observation of provisions of other rules.- In the case of suspension, imposition of minor penalty and appeal, the procedure laid down in the Kerala Civil Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1960 and the Manual of Disciplinary Proceedings of Government of Kerala shall be applicable to matters not mentioned in Rules 4 to 10 and if there is any doubt or dispute arise regarding any of these, the decision of the Government shall be final.

12. Confidential report.- (1) The President shall prepare the confidential report of the Secretary from time to time and send to the appointing authority.

(2) The Secretary shall, prepare from time to time the confidential report of the employees of the Panchayat for whom it is directed as keep confidential reports and submit to the President for review and shall send to the appointing authority together with review report of the President.

(3) The President may send report regarding the service of the Government officers or employees whose service has been lent to the Panchayat from time to time to the concerned appointing authority and the said report shall also be taken into account, while considering such officer or employee for promotion.

13. Granting of leave.- (1) The Secretary may grant leave including casual leave to the employees of Panchayat referred to in Section 180 subject to eligibility and the provisions of the Kerala Service Rules.

(2) The President may grant casual leave to the Secretary and to the head of office and institutions which have been lent by the Government subject to eligibility.

(3) The granting of leave except casual leave to officers referred to in sub-rule (2) subject to eligibility and the provisions of the Kerala Service Rules, shall be by the Government officer authorised for this purpose.

(4) Granting of leave including casual leave subject to eligibility and the provisions of Kerala Service Rules to Government officer or employee not referred under sub-rule (2) whose service has been lent to Panchayat shall be by an officer authorised by the Government for this purpose.

(5) In the case where granting of leave except casual leave to any officer under sub-rules (3)