Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0504

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(b) In case the Joint Committee is constituted with a Village Panchayat or Village Panchayats jointly with a Block Panchayat, the President of that Block Panchayat;

(c) In case the Joint Committee is constituted with a Village Panchayat or Village Panchayats jointly with more than one Block Panchayat, the President of the Block Panchayat elected through lot;

(d) In case the Joint Committee is constituted with a Village Panchayat or Village Panchayats with a Block Panchayat or Block Panchayats jointly with a District Panchayat, the President of the District Panchayat;

G (e) In case the Joint Committee is constituted with a Village Panchayat or Village Panchayats with a Block Panchayat or Block Panchayats jointly with more than one District Panchayat, the President of the District Panchayat elected through lot.

9. Powers of Joint Committees.-(1) A Joint Committee shall have power to enquire into, collect details and take decisions on matters for which it is constituted.

(2) A Joint Committee may, at any time, require the Panchayat concerned to produce necessary documents relating to its working.

10. Procedure for meeting of Joint Committees.-(1) The Chairman shall, at least five clear days before the day of the meeting, issue notice to the members informing them of the date, time and venue and the subjects to be discussed in the meeting.

(2) The Secretary of that Panchayat in the office of which the meeting of the Joint Committee is held or an office authorised by him shall record the proceedings of the meeting and all members present shall put their signature on it.

(3) Joint Committee shall take decision on subjects coming for its consideration by majority vote of the members present in the meeting and in case of equality of votes, the Chairman may exercise a casting vote.

(4) The Chairman shall preside over the meetings of the Joint Committee and in the absence of the Chairman, a member elected from among the members present shall preside over the meeting.

(5) The quorum for the meeting of the Joint Committee shall be two-third of its total number of members.

(6) The decisions of the Joint Committee shall be communicated to the Panchayats concerned.

11. Implementation of the decisions of the Joint Committee.- (1) The Panchayat concerned shall be liable to implement the decisions of the Joint Committee: Provided that no such decision shall be in excess of the jurisdiction of the Panchayat concerned. (2) The Panchayat concerned need not, in case a Joint Committee has been constituted to settle disputes, implement the decision of such Joint Committees, if such decision is not acceptable to it.

12. Dissolution of Joint Committee. - The Chairman of a Joint Committee shall, soon after the performance of the purpose for which the committee has been constituted, dissolve the committee.

13. Adjudication of disputes.-Action shall be taken under Section 282, if any dispute or difference of opinion arises among the Panchayats concerned regarding the constitution or functioning or implementation of decision of a Joint Committee constituted under these rules.