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314 THE KERALA TOLLS ACT, 1976 Sec. 3 (e) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(f) "toll" means the toll levied under this Act.

3. Levy of toll.-
(1) The Government may levy a toll on every motor vehicle entering a bridge constructed wholly or partly at the expense of the Government and declared open for traffic after the 1st day of July 1983)
Provided that if the Government are of opinion that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, they may, by notification in the Gazette, specify any bridge in respect of which no toll shall be leviable under this sub-section.
(2) The toll shall be levied at such rate and for such period as the Government may, by notification in the Gazette, declare to be necessary for the recovery of the amounts expended upon such bridge by the Government, or such portion there of as may be decided by the Government, together with interest at Such rate as they may fix.
(3) The Government may place the collection of the toll under the management of such person as may appear to them proper; and all persons employed in the management and collection of the toll shall be liable to the same responsibilities as Would belong to them if employed in the collection of basic tax.

Explanation:- In this sub-section and in sub-section (4) of Section 3A "basic tax' means the basic tax payable under the Kerala Land Tax Act, 1961 (13 of 1961). (4)The Government may farm out the collection of the toll and in such a case the farmer and his agents and servants shall be deemed to be persons appointed to collect the toll under this Act. 7[3A. Levy of toll by company or corporation.- (1) A company or a corporation may levyatoll on every motor vehicle entering a bridge constructed by it at the instance of the Government utilising wholly or partly its own fund or funds raised by it by loans from financial institutions, and declared open for traffic after the commencement of the Kerala Tolls (Amendment) Act, 1986.

(2) The toll under sub-section (1) shall be levied at such rate and for such period as the Government may by notification in the gazette, declare to be necessary for the recovery of the amounts expended upon such bridge by the company or the corporation, or such portion thereof as may be decided by the Government, together with interest and other overhead charges, at such rates as they may fix.

(3) The toll leviable under this section shall be collected by the company or the Corporation, as the case may be, in such manner and in accordance with such rules as may be prescribed.

(4) Any person employed in the management an collection of toll under this section shall be liable to the same responsibilities as would belong to him if employed in the collection of basic taX.
(5) The proceeds of the toll collected by a company or a corporation under this section shall be utilised(a) for recouping any amount spent by such company or corporation from its own funds and interest thereon;

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ