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Copy of orders No. B1-44300/77/dated 1.9.1977 from the Director of Panchayats is extracted bellow for the information of all Concerned.

Sub:- Registration of Births and Deaths - Appointment of sub Registrars - Permissive sanction - Orders regarding.

With the introduction of Common Service to the employees of Panchayats they are subject to frequent transfers. As a result a Sub-Registrar appointed for a Panchayat when transferred will have to obtain fresh sanction from Chief Registrar to work as Sub-Registrars in his new station. So also sanction will have to be obtained for the appointment of a substitute as Sub-registrar. Obtaining individual sanction for each and every case therefore causes unnecessary delay causing inconvenience to the public.

In the circumstances sanction is accorded to all Registrars of births and deaths in Panchayats for appointing either the Manager or the Head Clerk of the respective Panchayats as Sub-Registrar under Section 7(5) of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969 assigning all the powers wested with the Registrars except the powers under Section 15, 17.24, and 25 of the said Act and the rules thereunder subject to the control, supervision and restriction imposed on him by the Registrar of Births and Deaths in the Panchayat. (CIRCULAR J. 2595 No. B1-44300/77)


Copy of Circular No. B1-11778/78/dated 15-2-1989 is extracted below for information of all concerned.

Sub:- Registration of Births & Deaths Act 1969 - Clarification regarding delayed registration - under Section 13 (3) and the corresponding State Rule 10(3) etc.
Ref:- 1. Letter No. 1-2 (C)/75-VS (RA) Vol. I dated 27-2-1978 and 1-1-1979 of the Registrar General of India.
2. This Office Circular No. B1-29876/75/Dated 24-10-1975.

The Registrar General of India vide his letter cited has informed that the matter was again taken up with the Union Law Ministry, considering the difficulties being experienced by the public. As a result, the Union Law Ministry have reconsidered the question of delayed registration and are now of the view that the Births & Deaths events which occurred prior to the enforcement of the Act can be registered under Section 13 of the present Act which provides for the delayed registration of such events. Moreover, it has also been informed that it may not be proper to issue any guidelines which may have the effect of circumscribing or limiting the discretion of a Magistrate. At the same time, the Magistrate is expected to pass a judicial order according to the facts of each case on its own merits.

In the circumstances all the concerned are informed that the events which occurred prior to the enforcement of the Registration of Births & Deaths Act 1969 and left unregistered can also be registered now under Section 13 (3) of the Act. In other words, the vents occurred prior to 1-4-1970 and left unregistered can be registered now as per Rule 10 (3) of the Kerala Registration of Births & Deaths Rules 1970. (CIRCULAR NO. J.2756, B1-11778/78)


Copy of Circular No. B1 -74896/78 dated 10-8-1979 of Director of Panchayats is extracted below for information of all concerned.

Sub:- Registration of births & deaths - Registration of deaths when date of death is now known -clarification - regarding. 
Ref:- Letter No. 1-2 (c) 75-VS (RA) Vol. I dated 14-6-1979 from the Registrar General of India. 

Recording the exact date of event in the birth and death registers is an important factor in the registration of vital events. On certain occasions, the registrar feels confusion to record the exact date of event, especially in the case of dead bodies found deserted in public places. Recently in a particular case the Medical Officer has stated in his postmortem certificate that the death might have occurred between 13-7-1978 to 20-7-1978. But the Registrar could not record the exact date of event in the case and so he requested for clarification. The clarification received from Registrar General of India on the subject is as follows:-

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ