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(4) if the application for regularisation is rejected in to, the Collector shall Specify the reason for such rejection and in such cases the Collector shall have the power to take necessary action as per the provisions of the Act or law in force applicable to the case as deemed fit.


(9) In case the applicant does not fully comply with any of the condition(s) stipulated in the regularisation order within the time specified in the Order, the regularisation order shall cease to operate from the next day and the Collector or Government shall take any action as deemed fit.

7. Appeal.- Any person aggrieved by the decision of District Collector rejecting his application citing any of the reason under Rule 6 may within Thirty days from the date of receipt of such notice/order shall appeal to the CLR and the CLR may after giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard either conform alter or set aside the said order/notice.

8. Revision by Government.

(1) The Government may either suo motu or on application from any aggrieved party call for the records of any actor proceedings of the CLR in any case under this Act, and pass such orders thereon, as it may deem fit:
Provided that there shall be only one revision against any order issued by the CLR.
(2) A petition for revision under sub-rule (1) shall be presented within thirty days from the date of service of the order, allowing or rejecting the application.
(3) When a petition for revision has been presented under these rules, the Government may, if found necessary, stay operation of the order, pending consideration of the petition.
(4) The Government shall, after considering the revision petition, pass appropriate orders thereon and forward the same to the Collector concerned.
(5) in case the revision petition is rejected, the Collector shall intimate action as provided under Rule 6
(6) The Government may cancel or modify or revise any orders issued earlier under these rules at any time, if found necessary, if any reclamation regularised is of serious environmental concerns.
(7) The Government may, at any time cancel any order issued under these rules, if any wrong information was furnished by the applicant or the owner, after hearing the applicant once. Action as laid in Rule 6 shall be taken by the Collector in such cases.

9. Penalities.– 1. Whoever obtains regularisation of reclaimed property by:-

(a) furnishing false information; or
(b)filing false statement; or
(c)Suppressing material facts and relevant evidence pertaining to the property; or
(d) any other fraudulent means,
Shall, on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 6 months but which may extend up to 2 years and with fine which shall not be less than 50,000 rupees which may extend up to 1 lakh rupees.

10. Penalty for issuing false Regularisation Certificate.- (1) Any official who connives with any person intentionally, prepares any false report which may lead to the issuance of regularisation Certificate to any person shall, on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 6 months but which may extend up to 2 years and with fine which shall not be less than 50,000 rupees but which may extend up to 1 lakh rupees.

(See Rule 3(1))


The Collector,



I have reclaimed an extent of............... areas of paddy land in my name in Survey No....... in.................... Village, ..................Taluk, ................. District before 12th August, 2008 without obtaining permission/sanction from competent authority.

I realise that the reclamation of the paddy land so carried out is in violation of the provision contained in the........................ and that the said reclamation is an unauthorised one. The land is currently being used for residential/commercial/residential-cum-commercial/others/ not put to any use.

I request that sanction may be accorded for the regularisation of the said reclamation.

The application fee of Rs. ............. only has been remitted vide....................

The following documents are enclosed (in duplicate):- (tick wherever applicable)

a) Documents to prove ownership of land;
i. ......................