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3. If others, the particulars thereof
4. Violations with regard to statutes, if any
Name of statue Section/Rule/Clause violated

5. Whether the unauthorised reclamation was/were carried out before 12th August, 2008 (with reference to Draft/Data Bank) (Yes/No):
6. (i) Whether the unauthorised reclamation was stopped at any stage on receipt of complaints direction from Revenue authorities to stop the unauthorised reclamation (Yes/No):
(ii) if yes, specify the number and date of the Notice/Order, the authority who issued the Notice/order and the Statute under which the Notice/Order was issued
7. Whether the reclamation can be regularised (Yes/No):
8. If recommended for regularisation, conditions if any under which regularisation is recommended (Please specify, if applicable):
9. If not recommended, reasons for the same:
10. Fee to be remitted if regularised in Rs....................... (Rupees ............................... )
(Total reclaimed area in Ares X.25% of the fair value) (enclose the calculation sheet certified by the Village Officer separately)
11. Date of return to the Collector:
Signature of the Village Officer with date and designation seal

(office seal)

Collector ............................

(See Rule 5(2))
To be issued to the applicant

Sub: Regularisation of unauthorised reclamation of paddy land- Request-Reg:

Ref: 1. G. O. (Ms) No. RD dated........./........12015

2. Your application for regularisation dated........................

With reference to your application referred above, you are requested to pay a regularisation fee of Rs.............. (Rupees...................................) to the H/A......................... and to submit the chellan to this office On or before ................................. If the fee is not remitted before .......................... your application is liable to be rejected without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

It may be noted that remittance of the above fee shall not be deemed as an assurance for obtaining sanction for regularisation.

For Collector

Explanatory Note

(This does not form part of the notification, but is intended to indicate its general purport.) Section 3A of the Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008 (Act 28 of 2008) empowers the Collector to regularize unauthorised reclamation of paddy land carried out before 12th August, 2008. Accordingly, Government have framed these rules granting power to the Collector to regularise such unauthorised reclamation. This notitication is intended to achieve the above object.