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level to facilities taking meter readings and operation of the on-off switch. The operation of the on-off switch shall be the responsibility of the local body. The arrangements for providing the connections, installation of meterbox etcare shown in detail in the sketch appended as Annexure-111.

6. The location of the meter boxes shall be identified jointly by the Secretary of the Corporation/ Municipality/Grama Panchayat or the person authorized by him and the Asst. Engineer of the concerned section. The number of meterboxes required shall be ascertained after fixing the locations and the number of street lights proposed to be controlled from each metering point. This will be intimated by the Asst. Engineer to the local body. The procedure to be followed by local bodies forgiving application for availing supply for streetlighting shall be asper the present practice. Execution of works connected with the streetlighting will be undertaken by the KSE Board immediately after the Local bodies remit the charges in full.

7. The Local Bodies shall bear the cost of extension of overhead power lines/underground cable wherever necessary, The amountshall be remitted in advance. The charges for such works shall be on OYEC basis but excluding 20% development charges.

8. In all cases where the supply is metered or unmetered, the local bodies shall supply bulb, tube, CFL, Sodium vapour lamp etc, fittings, brackets, clamps, connecting wires, chokes, condensers, holders, fuses and all other materials for new installation as well as for periodical replacement, free of cost.

9. The meters will be the property of the local bodies and they shall replace/repair the meter when they become defective at their own Costand putback into the service within two months of becoming defective. The billing for the period when the meter is defective will be done asper the standard practice followed by the KSE Board. So long as the meter is the property of the local body, no monthly meter hire/charge is payable by them.

10. Spotbilling system now implemented throughout the State will be extended to streetlighting also by allotting separate Consumer Number to each metering point. The spot biller shall take meter reading along with other consumers according to the area code and prepare bill asper ruling tariffrate. This shall be served to the local body from the Section Offices concerned for facilitating remittance of Current charge.

11. If the local bodies do not opt for metered supply, the composite tariff based on burning hour prescribed by the Board will be applicable, as is being done now.

12. As a pilot project, in Corporation areas except Thrissur, the installation of new streets lights, maintenance of the existing lights and the new lights may be entrusted with the Corporation (either partially or fully). The Corporations except Thrissur shall intimate their option in this regard to the Deputy Chief Engineers of concerned Electrical Distribution Circles within four months from the date of this order. The system will be extended to adjacent municipality or panchayat area also, at the option of the municipalities or panchayats, as the case may be. If any Corporation exercise this option, KSE Board shall arrange to handover the fixtures andmaterials on 'as is where is condition' realizing the costs which shall be worked out later.

13. The Advisory Body constituted asper B.O.(MD) No. 815/2002 (TC1/S/6320/2002) dated 07.06.2002 shall monitor the progress of maintenance of streetlighting systems under the local body.

14. The complaints of non-burning of lights can be registered in the local body's offices and also in KSE Board's section offices. The complaints may be reported by the public or field staff of KSE Board or any other person.

15. All Wednesdays shall be earmarked for doing the maintenance work. The local bodies shall send their representatives on Wednesdays to the site for inspection and verification of the works done, if any Wednesday happens to be a holiday it shall be done on the next working day.

16. The Asst. Engineers, Electrical Sections shall be the Nodal Officers in all matters for the streetlighting work, They shall work in close liaison with the representatives of the local bodies.

17. The present tariff for metered supply of street light is 90 paise per unit plus fixed charge at Rs 12 per meter per month. This will be subject to change as per tariff notifications issued from time to time.
18. The works of metered supply of street lighting system for which the local bodies have deposited amount, shall be carried out on a Special Priority Basis.
The Deputy Chief Engineers of distribution circles shall Communicate this order to all local bodies within their area of jurisdiction and to the field offices under their control immediately.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ