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(c) the muster roll, shall be periodically checked by officials in the manner prescribed in the Scheme;

(d) the muster roll shall be closed on the last given day, counter-signed by every worker who has worked, and shall be handed over to the technical personnel for measurement;

(e) a detailed record of muster rolls shall be maintained in the registers as specified from time to time;

(f) when a work is in progress, the workers engaged in that work may select from amongst themselves not less than five workers on a weekly rotational basis to verify and certify all the bills or vouchers of their worksite at least, once in a week;

(g) any person shall have access to muster rolls on the worksite on demand all days during all working hours;

16. Payment shall only be made based on the measurements taken at the worksite by the authorised personnel within three days of closure of the muster roll. The State Government shall ensure that adequate technical personnel are deployed to complete this work within the stipulated period. Suitable persons from the families of workers may be trained or skilled and deployed as barefoot engineers with appropriate delegation of technical powers and paid wages as skilled workers.

17. The State Government shall link the wages, without any gender bias, with the quantity of Work done and it shall be paid according to the rural schedule of rates fixed after time and motion studies for different types of work and different seasons and revised periodically.

18. A separate Schedule of rates shall be finalised for women, the elderly, people with disabilities and people with debilitating ailments so to improve their participation through productive work.

19. (a) The schedule of rates of wages for various unskilled labourers shall be fixed up so that an adult person worked for eight hours which include an hour of rest will earn a wage which is equal to the stipulated wage rate;

(b) The working hours of an adult worker shall be flexible but shall not spread over more than twelve hours on any day.

20. For all works taken up by the Gram Panchayats, the cost of the material component including the wages of the skilled and semi-skilled workers shall not exceed forty per cent, at the Gram Panchayat level. For works taken up by the implementing agencies other than Gram Panchayats, the overall material component including the wages of the skilled and semi-skilled workers shall not exceed forty per cent, at the district level.)

21. The Works executed shall be done without engaging any contractor. Implementing agencies under the Scheme shall execute the Works in conformity with the processes specified under the Act and after complying with the mandatory proactive disclosures and social audit.

22. As far as practicable, works executed by the programme implementation agencies shall be performed by using manual labour and no labour displacing machines shall be used.

23. Allmaterial required for the works shall be procured by the Gram Panchayator the implementing agency using a transparent tender process as specified by the State Government.

24. Out of the administrative costs allowed under the Scheme, at least one-third (1/3rd) shall be utilised at the Gram Panchayat level to employ and pay the Gram Rozgar Sahayak, other technical personnel as per the Work done and for other administrative expenses.

25. Every Scheme to contain adequate provisions for ensuring transparency and accountability at all levels of implementation shall consist of the following measures, namely:-

(a) Mandatory Proactive disclosure of basic information to all common people and stakeholders using a 'Janata Information System' consisting of:

(1) Display at each worksite the 'Janata' estimate of the work - showing the details of the work, estimated labour days, quantities of materials to be used in local terminology and item-wise cost of the estimate.