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(iii) Construction of play fields

(iv) Works for improving disaster preparedness or restoration of roads or restoration of other essential public infrastructure including flood control and protection works, providing drainage in water logged areas, deepening and repairing of flood channels, chaur renovation, construction of storm water drains for coastal protection;

(v) Construction of buildings for Gram Panchayats, women self-help groups' federations, cyclone shelters, Anganwadi centres, village haats and crematoria at the village or block level;

(vi) Construction of Food Grain Storage Structures for implementing the provisions of The National Food Security Act, 2013 (20 of 2013);

(vii) Production of building material required for construction works under the Act as a part of the estimate of such construction works;

(viii) Maintenance of rural public assets created under the Act; and

(ix) any other work which may be notified by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government in this regard.

(2) The order of priority of works shall be determined by each Grama Panchayat in the meetings of the Grama Sabha keeping in view potential of the local area, its needs, local resources and in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 9:

“[Provided that the District Programme Coordinator shall ensure that at least 60% of the works to be taken up in a district in terms of cost shall be for creation of productive assets directly linked to agriculture and allied activities through development of land, water and trees.]

(3) Works which are non-tangible, not measurable, repetitive such as, removing grass, pebbles, agricultural operations, shall not be taken up.

5. Works creating individual assets shall be prioritised on land or homestead owned by households belonging to the:

(a) Scheduled Castes

(b) Scheduled Tribes

(c) nomadic tribes

(d) denotified tribes

(e) other families below the poverty line

(f) women-headed households

(g) physically handicapped headed households

(h) beneficiaries of land reforms

(i) the beneficiaries under the Indira Awaas Yojana

(j) beneficiaries under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (2 of 2007), and

and after exhausting the eligible beneficiaries under the above categories, on lands of the small or marginal farmers as defined in the Agriculture Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008 subject to the condition that such households shall have a job card with at least one member willing to work on the project undertaken on their land or homestead.

6. The State Government shall take concrete steps to achieve effective inter-departmental convergence till the last mile implementation level of the works under the Scheme with other Government Schemes/programmes so as to improve the quality and productivity of assets, and bring in synergy to holistically address the multiple dimensions of poverty in a sustainable manner.

7. There shall be a systematic, participatory planning exercise at each tier of Panchayat, conducted between August to December month of-every year, as per a detailed methodology laid down by the State Government. All works to be executed by the Gram Panchayats shall be identified and placed before the