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Provided that the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply in the case of an owner who is not the person keeping the bull, if notice of the said order had not been given to him.
9. Duty to inform owner of contents of notice, or order of castration.- If any notice or order is served under section 5, section 7, or section 8 on any person who is not the owner of the bull, it shall be the duty of that person forthwith to take all reasonable steps to inform the owner of the contents of such notice or order, and if he fails to do so, he shall be liable to indemnify the owner against any loss the owner may sustain by reason of such failure.
10. Production of license.- it shall be the duty of any person who for the time being keeps a bull in respect of which a license has been obtained and is in force, to produce such license—
(a) Within a reasonable time, at any place where the bull is for the time being, on demand made by a licensing officer or an officer of the Animal Husbandry Department not below the rank of Veterinary Surgeon, or an officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar or such other officer as may be authorised in this behalf by the Government by general or special order; or
(b) Before a COW is served by the bull, on demand made by the person in charge of the cow.
11. Penalties.- (1) Whoever-
(a) Keeps a bull in contravention of this Act or of any rule or order made thereunder, or of any terms, conditions or restrictions of a license, or
(b) Neglects or fails to submit a bull for inspection when required to do so under section 7, or
(c) neglects or fails to comply with an order served under section 8, or
(d) Neglects or fails to produce a license when required to do so under section 10,
Shall be punishable with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees and in the case of a second or any subsequent offence with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.
(2) Whoever Contravenes the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 8 shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees and, in the case of a second or subsequent offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, or with the fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both.
12. Power of licensing officer to castrate bulls.- (1) If a person who keeps a bull neglects or fails to submit it for inspection or to have it castrated when required to do so under section 7, or section 8, the licensing officer may direct that the bull shall be castrated by a method and in a manner approved by the Director and marked with a prescribed mark in the prescribed manner, free of charge.
(2) (a) If it is not known in whose ownership, possession or custody a bull is for the time being and the fact cannot be ascertained after an inquiry in the prescribed manner, the licensing officer may seize the bull or cause it to be seized, and if he is of opinion that the bull has attained the prescribed age and is unsuitable for breeding purposes on any of the grounds specified in Subsection (1) of section 5, may direct that the bull shall be castrated by a method and in a manner approved by the Director and marked with a prescribed mark in the prescribed manner, free of charge.
(b) Every bull seized under clause (a) shall, after it has been castrated and marked as aforesaid where necessary, be sold by public auction or sent to a Pinirapole or infirmary recognised by the Government in this behalf.
(c) in case the owner of any bull seized under clause (a) appears before the licensing officer within such time as may be prescribed in this behalf and proves to the satisfaction of such officer that the bull is owned by him-

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ