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ഉത്തരവ് പരാമർശം (2) ലെ കോ-ഓർഡിനേഷൻ കമ്മിറ്റി തീരുമാന പ്രകാരം ക്ഷീരകർഷകർക്ക് ഒരു വർഷ ത്തേക്ക് നൽകാവുന്ന പരമാവധി കാലിത്തീറ്റ സബ്സിഡി തുക 14,000/- (പതിനാലായിരം) രൂപയായി വർദ്ധിപ്പിച്ച് ഉത്തരവ് പുറപ്പെടുവിക്കുന്നു. LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT - AAJEEVIKASKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME UNDER NRLM - RE-CONSTITUTION OF PROJECT SANCTIONING COMMITTEE-SANCTION ACCORDED - ORDERS ISSUED (Local Self Government (DD) Department, GO(Rt.) No. 1150/2014/LSGD TVpm, Dt. 14-05-2014) Abstract:- Local Self Government Department-Aajeevika Skill Development Programme under NRLM - Re-Constitution of Project Sanctioning Committee - Sanction accorded - Orders issued. Read:- 1. G.O.(Rt.) 1797/13/LSGD dated 08-07-2013. 2. Letter No. KS/M-Skills/2809/14 dated 23-04-2014 from the Executive Director,Kudumbasree. Order Asper the Government Order read as first paper above, project sanctioning committee for Aajeevika Skill Development Programme (ASDP) under NRLM was constituted. As per the letter read as 2nd paper above, executive Director, Kudumbasree has proposed to reconstituted. Project Sanctioning Committee of ASDP into State Level Co-ordination Committee & District level Co-ordination Committee in all Districts in the light of final guideline of Aajeevika with the following Composition. State level Co-ordination Committee. a. Principal Secretary, LSGD - Chairperson b Addl. Chief Secretary, Labour & Rehabilitation Departmentor representative - Member C. Addl. Chief Secretary, Higher Education Department or representative - Member d. Principal Secretary, Finance - Member e. Director, Social Justice Department - Member f. Director, Scheduled Caste Development Department - Member g Director, Scheduled Tribe Development Department - Member h. Director, Employment & Training Department - Member i. Chairman, Kerala Institute of Skill Excellence - Member j. Managing Director, KSWDC - Member k. Executive Director, Kudumbasree - Convener 1. A representative of Builders Association of Kerala m. A representative of CII/FICCI/ASOCHAM n. A representative of IT Industry o. A representative of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Industry. District level Co-Ordination Committee a. District Collectors - Chairperson b. District Mission Co-ordinators of Kudumbasree - Convener C. District Level Officer (Employment & Training) - Member d. District Level Officer, Industrial Training - Member e. District Level Officer, Industries & Commerce - Member f. District Level Officer, Rural Development - Member g District Level Officer, Technical Education - Member h. District Level Officer, Panchayat — Mcmbcer 3. Government have examined the case in detail and are pleased to reconstitute Project Sanctioning Committee into State Level Co-ordination Committee & District Level Co-ordination Committee in 14 districts with the above composition.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ