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dumping sites very carelessly by the public and is endangering public health. This situation has warranted the Government to evolve a proper procedure to collect fused CFLS/FTLs and dispose them of scientifically and safely. The way forward for consumers would be turning in old mercury lamps of all types particularly conventional Fluorescent Tube Lights and CFLS to ensure proper transport and disposal availing the service of the Ministry of Environment authorized agencies for collection and storage of e-wastes, avoiding situations Creating direct contact of broken CFLs and FTLs by users and others. (3) Since Kerala Doesn't have an e-waste disposal plant, the waste goes into the unorganized market for Crude dismantling, recovery and reuse. This create several occupational health hazards. As the State's Consumption pattern increases, scientific management of e-waste becomes very Critical. The problem of e-waste has been growing rapidly in the State and the end users especially offices and residents are facing practical difficulties in disposing of them in an environmentally sound manner. (4) In the matter of safe Collection, storage, transportation and scientific disposal of the e-wastes generated in the State, Governmentissue the following orders for strict and urgent compliance by all Concerned: (i) Producers of e-wastes shall be responsible for Collection, transportation and disposal in the prescribed manner, of all e-wastes generated by them or bought back by them from Consumers under the 'Extended Producer Responsibility either directly or through authorized agents. The e-wastes thus collected shall be delivered to authorized recyclers by the producers themselves, under appropriate arrangements. (ii) Consumers of branded electrical and electronic equipments which have became 'e-waste may return it to the producer either through invoking EPR or dispose it through local Collection mechanisms if any arranged for by Local Self Government Institutions, in the manner ordered in para 4(v) below. (iii) The State Pollution Control Board shall take steps to get the firms dismantling or recycling within the State to be registered and to have Consents for operation and scientific disposal of the e-wastes Collected. (iv) The Board, Department of Environment and Climate Change and Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment shall include management and disposal as above of e-wastes, in the integrated environment awareness programmes being organized by them and in the environmental programmes being sponsored by them. (v) There are several items which do not have EPR facility, for which special arrangements need to be made. Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 mandates municipal bodies to provide proper Collection, treatment and disposal facilities for Municipal Waste management (MSW) including segregation of toxic materials and substances. Often broken CFLs and FTLs are put up in the household solid wastes harming those who collect the same and those handling it at disposal facilities. As proper collection, storage and transportation of e-wastes is of direct Consequence to the LSGIs they may provide the required basic facility for household level segregated Collection and local storage of e-wastes to be taken to reprocessing units by registered agencies. Local Self Government Institutions may provide the minimum required storage facilities for the e-wastes to be collected from the ward level residential/commercial areas and those segregated from the MSW and also facilities for centralized collection of e-wastes from the local Collection Centers. Kudumbasree units could be engaged for door-to-door collection of segregated e-wastes including electrical appliances, CFL and FTL. Forward linkages are now available for Collection from Central Collection points in urban areas, to be taken to dismantling and disposal units. (vi) Space may be arranged near local markets or landed properties owned by LSGIs, from where the wastes can be Collected and storedata central Collection point for each LSGI, to be taken delivery of by the acCredited State level agencies for Collection and transportation and disposal or to Collect and transport to centralized disposal facilities. The question of payment of some monetary incentives to those who collect income generatinge-wastes from households, by the state level agencies to be engaged can also be considered, for which the LSGIs providing space for Centralized storage may negotiate with such agencies. (vii) Some recyclers extend the facility of entering into agreement with Corporate and Government organizations to Collect, transport and dispose of e-wastes. They may also give incentive for the types of ewastes which will provide them income on reprocessing. Each category may have different rate depending on its recyclable value. Usually the following e-wastes are eligible for payment by registered recyclers/ authorized collection agents.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ