
From Panchayatwiki
Revision as of 12:44, 5 January 2018 by Deepu (talk | contribs) ('...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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                                                                                                  ................. village/block/district Panchayat
                                                                                                    INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT
                                                                                                        for the period from
Account Code Descripion SheduleNo Current Year Amount (Rs) Previous Year Amount (Rs)
A Total Income
B Total Expenditure
A-B Gross surplus/(deficit of income over expenditurebefore prior period items)
Add Prior period items (Net)
Gross Surplus(deficit)of Income over expenditureafter prior period items
Less: Transfer to Reserve Funds
Net Balance being surplus(/deficit)carried over to panchayat Fund

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ