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Sec. 34 THE TRAVANCORE - COCHIN PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1955 69 (a) to pave the same with such material and in such manner as may be approved by the Health Officer and to keep such paving in proper repair, or (b) to raise the level of such court-yard, alley, lane, passage or open space. Explanation.-it shall be open to the Health Officer to require that in any case both the measures specified in Clauses (a) and (b) of this section shall be taken. 30. Construction and closure of Cesspool.- (1) No person shall construct a cess-pool(a) beneath any part of any building or within fifty feet of any tank, reservoir, water-course or well or within such other distance therefrom as the Health Officer may consider to be practicable having regard to the circumstances of the locality; or (b) within any local area, or outside such area but within three hundred feet of any reservoir used for the storage of filtered water to be supplied to such area except upon a site and in a position which have been approved in Writing by the Health Officer. (2) The Health Officer may, at any time, by notice, require any person within whose premises any Cesspool is constructed in contravention of sub-section (1) to remove such cesspool or to fill it up with such material as may be approved by him. 31. Prohibition of occupation of new building without drains.- No owner of any building constructed or reconstructed after the commencement of this Act in any urban local area shall occupy or cause or permit it to be occupied, until he has obtained a certificate from the Health Officer that the building has been provided with sufficient means of drainage: Provided however that if an application has been made for a certificate and that no such certificate has been granted within a period of ten days, the owner may occupy the building or cause or permit it to be OCCupied. 32. Sullage or sewage not to be let out into streets.- No person having control over any building or land shall cause or allow(a) the water of any sink, sewer, latrine or sanitary convenience or any other liquid or other matter which is or is likely to become offensive, to run or drain into or to be thrown or put upon any street or open Space or to soak through any external wall, or (b) any offensive matter from any sewer, latrine or sanitary convenience, to run, drain or be thrown into a surface drain in any street. 33. Injurious refuse not to be discharged into public drain.- No person shall, save as may be generally or specially prescribed, throw, empty or turn, or Suffer or permit to be thrown, emptied or turned, or to pass, into any public drain, or into any drain Communicating with a public drain(a) any matter likely to injure the drain or to interfere with the free flow of its contents, or to affect prejudicially the treatment and disposal of such contents; or (b) any liquid being refuse or steam or other liquid which is, either alone or in common with the contents of the drain, dangerous, or the cause of a nuisance, or prejudicial to health; or (c) any explosive or inflammable Substance. 34. Pollution of water-courses prohibited- No person shall, save as may be generally or specially prescribed(1) put or cause to be put, or cause to fall or flow or be carried, or knowingly permit to be put or to fall or flow or be carried, into any water-course(a) any solid or liquid sewage matter; or (b) any poisonous, noxious or polluting liquid proceeding from any manufactory or manufacturing process, or (2) put or cause to be put, or cause to fall or be carried or knowingly permit to be put or to fall or be carried, into any water-course so as, either singly or in combination with other similar acts of the same or any other person, to interfere with the due flow of such water-course, or to

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ