
From Panchayatwiki
Revision as of 05:26, 5 January 2018 by Ranjithsiji (talk | contribs) ('FORM B DEALED REPORT (to be prepared in quadruplicate) To be furnished by the Secretary of the Corporation/Municipality/Gr...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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FORM B DEALED REPORT (to be prepared in quadruplicate) To be furnished by the Secretary of the Corporation/Municipality/Grama Panchayath Concerned NSPECTION & VERIFICATION REPORT Application Received on: ..................................................................... ln S p e cted Ο n Particulars of land: (a) Area of land/plot .................................. sq.metres (b) Survey No. and Name of Village (c) Re-survey No. and Name of Village (d) Nature of ownership of land : Sale Deed/Gift/Partition Deed Puramboke/(Strike out which is not applicable) (e) Others (specify)......................................... 5. Particulars of the construction/buildings: (a) Occupancy of the Construction/buildings: (b) Built-up/Floor Area (Floor wise) Floors Built up Area (m2) OCCupancy Carpet Area (m2) Basement GF FF SF 6. Remarks SSLLLLLL LSLLLLLLSLLLLLLSLLLSLLLLSLSSLSLSSLSLSS SSLSLSLLLLLSLLLLLSLSL LLLLSSSLLLSLLLLSLLSSLSLLLLSLSSSLLLSLLLSLSLSSSLLLSLLLLLLSLLSLSSSSLLLLSLLSSLSLSSLSLSSLSLSLLLLLSLLLSLSLSSLSLSSSLLLLSLSSSSLLLLSLSSSLLLLSLSSSSLSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSLSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSLLSLSSSLLLLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSLSS SLLLLLLLSL LLLLLSSLLSCLLLLSCLLLLSLLLLLSLSSSLSLLLSLSLLLLLSLLLLLSLSLSLSLSLS SLSLLLLLSLLSSSLSLLLLSSSLLLSLLLSLSLSSLSLSSLLLLLSSLLLLSLSSLSSLLLSLSSLLLLSLSSLSLSSLSLSSLSLLLLSSSSLLSLLSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSLSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSLLSLSSSLLLLSLSSLSSLLLLSLSLLLLLSLSSLSSLLLSSLSLSSLSLSLLSLSSLSSSLSLS SLSCSLLL LLSLLSLSLSCCCCSLSCSLLLSCCSCSCCCLSSLSSSSLSCCSSSLSLSLSSLLLCCSCCSCLSSLLSSLSLSSSSLSLSSSSSCSCSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSLLSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSSSSSSLSLSLSLSSSLL SSSLLS 7. Provisions of Town Planning Schemes: Name of Scheme ................................................................... Master Plan-Stage SSLLLLLSLLLSLSLLLSLSLLLLLSLLLLLSLLLLLSSLLLSL LSLLLLLLSLSSSLSLLLSLSLLLLLSLLLLLSLLLLLSLS LLLLLSLLLLLLSS LSLLSSLL0SLS LSLSLLLLLSLLL LSLSLLL. DTPScheme-Stage Taluk Village Survey Survey Area Use zone Use Road Other Proposed No. sub in of the ZOIΊΘ widening proposal use of division | Ares Master of the Proposals if, any the Plan DTP buildings || || Scheme || - - - .. · 8. Violations with regard to other applicable Central and State Statutes, if any (Yes/No) 9. Whether there is any court case specific to the plot or constructions therein, which prevents - - permission (Please specify: Yes/No) lf Yes, pleasefurnish the details.......... SSLSLSLSSLSLSSLSLSSLSLSSLSLSSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLLLSLSLLLSLSLLL LSLSLLLLLSLLLLLSLLLLL LSLSLLLLLS............................................................" . . . . 10. Whether there is any Government orders/circulars/any form of communication against the plots --- ... ി. - - land or any construction works therein which prevents the proposed construction in this plot. (Please specify; ' ' ) s ' Yes/No) . . . ifyes, please furnish the details:..................... ............................. -- . . ', ' ' ' . . . . . 11. Recommendations of the Secretary including report on the surrounding developments and the . . . . . . admissibility of the proposed use of at the site