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(He is requested to forward a report on the clearance of the objections on expiry of the period of two months)

5. The Joint Director/Senior Deputy Director/Deputy Director.

Charge of Certificate
( See sub-rule (7) of rule 20 )

No. Office of the Director of Local Fund Audit,



I. . Director of Local Fund Audit, Kerala, hereby certify under sub-section (1) of section 16 of the Kerala Local Fund Audit Act, 1994 as follows:During the year............................the.............................................. has sustained a loss of Rupees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(Rupees.............................................................. only) on account of the negligences misconduct/failure of duty on the part of Sri Smt........................................ who held the posts of ...................................... (Now Working as...........................) and hence Sri/Smt................................... is held responsible for the said loss of Rupees ............ (Rupees........................................ only). The details of the above loss of Rupees........................................ are given in paras...............and...................................... of the audit report of............................................. for the year......................... issued by the................................. in reference No.................................... dated ......................

In this Office notice No ................................................................... dated ................................ Sri/Smt .................................... was requested to remit the said amount of Rupees................................ to the Credit Of...................................... and to intimate the details thereonto the office within two months or to state within two months why the amount should not be charged against him/her in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of section 16 of the Kerala Local Fund Audit Act 1994. The above notice was served on him/her by registered post with acknowledgement due along with the extracts of the relevant objections in the audit report and he/she has acknowledged the receipt of the notice on But intimation regarding the remittance of the said amount of Rupees............................... to the Credit of........................................ has not been received so far. But intimation regarding the remittance of Rupees......................... involved in paras ........................ ......................................... only have been received so far. The explanation dated........................... furnished by Sri/ Smt ............................................ to the charge notice in inspect of paras............................ has been considered in detail and found to be not acceptable. A sum of Rupees.............................. (Rupees ............................. only) details of which are pointed Out in paras .................. of the audit report of............................. is thus charged on Sri/ Smt........................................... the then...................... of............... (Now Working as.................) Sri Smt................................ is liable to remit the amount to the Credit of.................. Within one month from the date of receipt of this certificate, failing which the amount shall be recovered under the provisions of the Kerala Revenue Recovery Act, 1968 (15 of 1968) in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (4) of section 16 of the Kerala Local Fund Audit Act, 1994. Dated at Thiruvananthapuram the........................ day of............................. 19......... Director.


Sri Smt.........................................

Receipt of this certificate may be acknowledge in the duplicate copy enclosed and returned to this office




This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: BibinVB

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