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7. (i) On the date and at the time and place notified as aforesaid the person or child shall be presented or be produced as the case may be for inspection.

(ii) If the Inspecting Officer finds that the vaccination has been successful he shall, on demand, give to such person or parent or guardian of such child as the case may be a certificate to that effect in Form No.III annexed to this rule. In the case of re-vaccination the vaccinator shall after re-vaccination give on demand a certificate showing the date of re-vaccination to the person re-vaccinated or as the case may be, to the parent or guardian of child re-vaccinated.

(iii) In the event of the vaccination being unsuccessful the Inspecting Officer, if he thinks fit, may direct that the unprotected person or child shall again be vaccinated and subsequently inspected as provided in these rules. Such person or the parent or guardian of such child shall be bound to comply with such direction.

8. When an unprotected person or child is vaccinated by a vaccinator not employed by the Government or by the local authority, such person or the parent or guardian of that child as the case may be shall forward within 15 days of the date of vaccination a certificate of successful vaccination from such vaccinator to the Health Officer or to such person as may be authorised by the Health Officer in that behalf.

9. The Executive Authority or the Health Officer may cancel any certificate given under these rules if it is proved to his satisfaction that such certificate has been improperly given or obtained on behalf of any unprotected person or child and thereupon such certificate shall cease to be valid and notice of such cancellation shall forthwith be given to such unprotected person or the parent or guardian of such unprotected child as the case may be.

10. No fee or remuneration shall be accepted by a vaccinator employed by the Government for any vaccination performed or certificate given under these rules. If any unprotected person or parent or guardian of any unprotected child is desirous that vaccination should be done at the residence of such person or child, the Health Officer may upon application by such person or such parent or guardian as the case may be and upon payment of such fee as the local authority may fix, direct a vaccinator to perform the vaccination at such residence.

11. (i) if the Health Officer or any person authorised by him in this behalf has reason to believe that there is an unprotected person or child in any house he may call upon or issue notice in Form No.IV to

(a) such person to be present for inspection between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and to state his age, parentage, place of birth and duration of his residence in the area;

(b) the parent or guardian of any such child in the house under his care to produce the child for inspection between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and to state the age, parentage, place of birth and duration of residence of the child in the area.

(ii) The Health Officer, the executive authority or any other person authorised by him under sub-rule (1) shall

(a) if he is aware of the existence of any person or child who is unprotected and is fit for vaccination or

(b) if on a requisition under sub-rule (i) any person refuses to be present or any parent or guardian refuses to produce any child under his care for inspection or

(c) if after inspection, it is proved to his satisfaction that any person or child is unprotected and is fit for Vaccination or

(d) if he is acting in pursuance of the powers vested in him under Rule 4 deliver to such person or the parent or guardian of Such child or cause to be affixed to the house of Such person or such parent or guardian notice in Form No.1 requiring the person or child as the case may be to be vaccinated within 72 hours at a time and place to be specified in the said notice. The person, or the parent or guardian to whom such notice is delivered or at whose house it is affixed shall be bound to comply with it unless a certificate is produced from a vaccinator to the effect that such person or child has either been successfully vaccinated already or is unfit for vaccination.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: SujithPT

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