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household to ease himself in any such street, arch, drain, open space, quay, jetty, landing place, sea-shore or bank aforesaid.

(3) Any person easing himself in any private open space shall immediately cover up the excreta with earth.


Prevention, Notification and Treatment of diseases

A PART 1 - Infectious Diseases in General

52. Infectious diseases.

For the purposes of this Part, 'Infectious disease' means (a) acute influenzal pneumonia, (b) anthrax, (c) cerebrospinal fever, (d) chicken-pox, (e) cholera, (f) diptheria, (g) enteric fever, (h) leprosy, (i) measles, (j) plague, (k) rabies, (l) relapsing fever, (m) scarlet fever, (n) smallpox, (o) tuberculosis, (p) typhus or (q) any other disease which the Government may from time to time, by notification, declare to be an infectious disease either generally throughout the state or in such part or parts thereof as may be specified in the notification.

53. Appointment of additional health staff-

(1) In the event of the prevalence or threatened outbreak of any infectious disease in any local area, or of any unusual mortality therein, the local authority concerned shall provide such additional staff, medicines, appliances, equipment and other things as may, in the opinion of the Health Officer, be necessary for the treatment of such infectious disease and preventing it from spreading, or for investigating the cause of such mortality, and preventing it, as the case may be:

Provided that, if the local authority does not agree with the opinion of the Health Officer, the matter shall be referred to the 28[Director of Health Services) whose decision shall be final.

(2) In the event aforesaid, if the Health Officer considers that immediate action is necessary in the interests of public health, he may, notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), appoint such additional staff and obtain such medicines, appliances, equipment and other things as may be necessary; and the expenses incurred in respect thereof shall be met from the funds of the local authority.

(3) Every appointment made under sub-section (2) shall be reported forthwith to the executive authority and by such authority to the local authority concerned at its next meeting.

54. Provision and maintenance of isolation hospitals and wards-

(1) (a) The local authority may, and if so required by the Government shall, provide or cause to be provided hospitals, wards or other places for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from infectious diseases.

            (b) For the purpose of the reception and treatment of such persons, a local authority may—

                (i) itself build such hospitals, wards or places of reception, or

                (ii) contract for the use of any such hospital or part of a hospital or place of reception, or

                (iii) enter into an agreement with any person having the management of any such hospital, for the reception and treatment therein of persons suffering from infectious diseases.

            (c) For the purpose aforesaid, two or more local authorities may in combination provide a common hospital or place of reception.

(2) A local authority shall not be deemed to have discharged its obligation under sub-section (1) unless the hospitals, wards or places of reception in question are maintained in accordance with such general or special orders as may from time to time be issued by the Director of Health Services.

55. Provision of ambulances, etc.

A local authority may, and if so required by the Director of Health Services shall, –

        (a) provide and maintain suitable conveyances, with sufficient attendants and other requisites for the free carriage of persons suffering from any infectious disease; and

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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