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3. Vessels other than rafts-

On application by the owner of a vessel or his agent either in person or by letter for permission to navigate any particular line or Connected lines of navigation, and on payment of the fees prescribed in the notification published under Section 6 of the Act, the Executive Engineer West Coast Division, or any other Canal Officer or Canal clerk duly authorized by him, shall grant a licence or certificate of registration for such navigation in the form prescribed subject to the condition that claims for compensation in consequence of the closure of all or any of the canals for repair, or insufficiency of Water or any other impediment to navigation shall not be recognized. The licence or certificate of registration shall be annual and shall run from the date of issue to the last day of the Malayalam year following.

Vessels registered shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as those for which licences are taken out as far as they are applicable.

Vessels intended only for the personal use of the owners and not employed in carrying goods, animals or passengers for purposes of trade may be registered. All other vessels of a registered tonnage of one ton and over shall be licensed:

Provided that in respect of vessel whose licence or certificate of registration, as the case may be, expires on the 31st March, 1938, a licence or certificate of registration shall be granted for the period commencing on the 1st April, 1938 and ending with the last day of the Malayalam year succeeding on payment of one and three-eights of the fees prescribed for an annual licence or certificate.

Note:- (1) Extension of time for the renewal of licences and registration certificates granted by the Cochin or Travancore State in the case of vessels licensed or registered under Cochin Act No. 1 of 1092 or Travancore Regulation No. VI of 1096, as the case may be, shall be recognised and free passage shall be allow for such vessels in the portion of the canals in British Territory during such period.
Note:- (2) Vessels proceeding to licencing stations for obtaining a licence or registration certificate under Cochin Act No. 1 of 1092 or Travancore Regulation No. VI of 1096, shall for a period not exceeding fourteen days be allowed to ply without a licence or registration certificate provided they carry written permits from a Canal Officer. Such vessels shall not carry goods en route.
4. Inspection of steamers.-
(a) The application for an original licence of a steam vessel shall be made by the owner to the Executive Engineer at least two Calendar months before the licence is required. In making such application the owner shall give the name and address of the person to whom notice of inspection of the vessel should be given.

(b) The inspection of the hull and the machinery of a steam vessel shall be made by the Executive Engineer or any person deputed by him within fifteen days of the receipt of the application.

(c) As soon as possible after such inspection the executive Engineer shall, if the hull and machinery be in good condition, give notice to the Senior Inspector of Steam-boilers and Prime-movers, Madras, stating the name of vessel and its owner, the place where it should be inspected and the name and address of the person to whom the notice of inspection should be given.

(d) On receipt of such notice the Inspector shall arrange to fix a date for inspection which shall be within thirty days of its receipt and shall give the owner or the person named by him fourteen day's notice of his intention to inspect, stating what preparations should be made for his inspection.

(e) If, on such inspection, the Inspector is satisfied that the boiler is in good condition, ho shall issue to the Executive Engineer the usual boiler certificate to that effect, specifying the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be worked and the period for which such certificate shall be in force.

(f) The Executive Engineer shall, within a week of receipt of the Boiler Inspector's certificate grant a certificate of inspection and also a licence.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: Gangadharan

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