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16. Authorization of Health Officer to perform the functions of executive authority in public health matters.

Notwithstanding anything contained in the Madras City Municipal Act, 1919, the Madras District Municipalities Act, 1920, the Madras Local Boards Act, 1920, the Madras Village Panchayats Act, 1950, the Madras Prevention of Adulteration Act, 1918, and the Places of Public Resort Act, 1888, the Health Officer of a local authority shall perform such of the functions and discharge such of the duties, of its executive authority in regard to public health matters under any of the provisions applicable to such local authority contained in the Acts aforesaid, subject to such appeal and control as the Government may, by general or special order, determine.

16A. Local authority to manage health institutions.-

(1) The local authority shall manage health institutions transferred to it by Government.

(2) No sale, mortgage, lease, pledge, charge or transfer of possession of any land appurtenant to a health institution transferred to a local authority shall be made and such land shall not be used for any purpose other than the purposes for which it was transferred to a local authority.

(3) The Government may issue directions to the local authority or matters relating to health policy, planning for health facilities, standards to be maintained, mode of administration and it shall be the duty of the local authority to carry them out.


Water Supply

17. Local authority to provide potable water.—

(1) Every local authority may, and if the Government so direct shall, provide or arrange for the provision of a sufficient supply of drinking water for consumption by the inhabitants of the area within its jurisdiction.

(2) The local authority shall, so far as may be practicable, make adequate provision for securing

            (a) that the water-supply is continuous throughout the year, and

            (b) that the water supply is at all times wholesome and fit for human consumption.

(3) A local authority may also provide or arrange for the provision of a sufficient supply of water for other domestic purposes or for non-domestic purposes.

18. Power of Government to direct local authority to execute water works.-

(1) If in the opinion of the Government, a local area does not possess a sufficient supply of wholesome water fit for the consumption of its inhabitants, they may direct the local authority concerned, either singly or in combination with the local authority or authorities having jurisdiction over any local area or areas in the neighbourhood which are similarly situated to execute within such time as the Government may fix, such works as may be directed by the Government for providing a sufficient supply of wholesome water fit for human consumption.

(2) A local authority may, with the previous sanction of the Government—

            (a) construct, lay or erect filters, reservoirs, engines, conduits, pipes or other works without the limits of its local area, for supplying such area with water;

            (b) purchase or take on lease any water-work, or any water, or any right to store or to take or convey, water, either within or without the limits of its local area; and

            (c) contract with any local authority or other person or agency for the supply of water.

(3) A local authority may, with the previous sanction of the Government, by public notice, declare any lake, stream, spring, well, tank, reservoir, pond, or other source of water-supply, whether within or without the limits of its local area (other than a source under the control of the Government) from which water is or may be made available for the use of the public in the local

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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