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Provided that the Health Officer may relax the restriction regarding the above dimensions by 25 percent if the area of the windows referred to in Rule 5 exceeds 15 percent of the floor space of the room:

Provided further that if the average height of the room is less than 10 feet the floor space specified above shall be increased in the proportion of one tenth for every foot or part of a foot by which the average height falls short of 16 feet.

7. When separate rooms are not provided for the exclusive use of individual lodgers or families, the helper of a lodging house shall provide separate accommodation for the exclusive use of lodgers of each sex: Provided that nothing contained in this rule shall apply to the accommodation of persons below 10 years of age.

8. No person of either sex not below 10 years of age shall use or occupy any room which may be used or Occupied as a sleeping apartment by persons of the other sex not below 10 years of age: Provided that this rule shall not be taken to prohibit the occupation by a husband and wife and members of their family of any room provided for their exclusive use.

9. The keeper of a lodging house, shall, if directed by the Health Officer, put up in each habitable portion of the premises of the lodging house a board notifying the dimensions of such portion and the maximum number of persons permitted to lodge therein.

10. Every year the keeper of a lodging house shall cause every part of the internal surface of the walls and ceiling of every building in the premises to be hot-lime washed at Such intervals as may be specified by the Health Officer:

Provided that, if any walls or ceiling have been painted, distempered, or covered with paper, such paint or distemperor paper shall be renewed as and when required by the Health Officer.

11. The keeper of a lodging house shall provide such drains as may be necessary effectively to drain the premises and shall cause all such drains to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

12. The keeper of a lodging house shall cause every part of the flooring in the premises to be paved, or otherwise made impervious, and drained to the satisfaction of the Health Officer or Executive Authority and such flooring shall at all times be kept in good order and repair.

13. (1) The keeper of a lodging house shall cause the floor of every room and passage and every stair in the premises to be at all times in a thoroughly clean Condition.

(2) He shall cause every yard, area, and other open space within the premises to be maintained at all times in good order and to be thoroughly cleansed from time to time as often as may be necessary for the purpose of keeping such yard, area and other open space in a clean Condition.

(3) He shall provide suitable air-tight non-absorbent covered receptacles in Suitable places in the premises of the lodging house for the deposit of all refuse matter and such receptacles shall be emptied at least once in every 24 hours.

(4) He shall prevent any accumulation of refuse or filth in the premises.

14. (1) The keeper of a lodging house shall provide in the premises sufficient and suitable arrangements for the storage of a sufficient quantity of wholesome water available at all times for the use of the lodgers for drinking purposes. If there is no continuous system of drinking water supply in the premises the Water stored shall not be less than one gallon per lodger per day.

(2) The keeper of a lodging house shall also provide in the premises water available at all times for the use of the lodgers for other purposes. If there is no continuous system of water supply in the premises the water stored shall not be less than 10 gallons per lodger per day.

(3) If the water, whether for drinking or other purposes, is not obtained from the piped water supply system in the local area, it shall be derived from such source or sources as may be approved by the Health Officer.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: SujithPT

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