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            b) in relation to a dairyman who does not occupy any premises for the sale of milk, any place in which he keeps the vessels used by him for the storage or sale of milk but does not include -

            (i) a shop or place in which milk is sold for consumption on the premises only; or

            (ii) a shop or place from which milk is sold or supplied for sale in hermetically closed and unopened receptacles in the same original condition in which it was first received in such shop or place,


Omitted by Kerala Decentralisation Act, 2000

(4) "Dairyman" -

includes any person who sells milk, whether wholesale or by retail.

(5) "Drain" means a house-

drain or drain of any other description and includes a sewer, tunnel, culvert, ditch, channel or any other device for carrying off sullage, sewage, offensive matter, polluted water, rain water or subsoil water.

(6) "Drug" -

means any substance used as medicine whether for internal or external use, or any substance used in the composition or preparation of such medicine.

(7) “Dwelling house" -

means a building constructed, used or adapted to be used, wholly or principally, for human habitation or in connection therewith.

(8) "Executive authority" -

means any functionary of the local authority Concerned, who is vested with general executive powers under the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) or the Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 (20 of 1994) or the local Tahsildar, as the case may be:

(9) “Executive Officer"-

means the paid officer, if any, of the local authority who is invested with general executive powers in the local area for which such authority is Constituted under the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) or the Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 (20 of 1994) or any officer subordinate to the local Tahsildar, as the case may be;

(10) "Factory" -

means any premises including the precincts thereof, wherein any industrial, manufacturing or trade process is carried on with the aid of steam, water, oil, gas, electrical or any other form of power which is mechanically transmitted and is not generated by human or animal agency.

(11) "Filth" means -

            (a) night soil and other contents of latrines, cesspools and drains;

            (b) dung and the refuse of useless or offensive material thrown out in Consequence of any process of manufacture, industry or trade; and

            (c) putrid and putrefying substances.

(12) "Food" includes-

every article consumed or used by man, for food, drink, or chewing, and all material used or admixed in the composition or preparation of such article and shall also include flavouring and colouring matter and condiments.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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