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(8) The formal order issued by the Secretary according sanction for regularisation, shall specify items (i) to (vi) as stipulated in sub-rule (6) of rule 5 of these Rules. The Secretary shall also publish every month in the office notice board and in the official website of the Grama Panchayat Concerned, the list of Such orders issued indicating the number and date of the orders issued, the name of applicant, Survey/resurvey number(s) name of village and taluk pertaining to the plot, details of violations and nature of regularisation such as whether the construction was regularised or not regularised; or regularised with conditions.

(9) The Owner and the licensee shall be equally responsible for the conformity of the drawings to actual constructions made in the site and the details therein.

(10) It shall be the responsibility of the owner and the licensee who has issued the Structural Stability Certificate as per the provisions contained in these rules, to ensure the structural stability of the building. However, in the case of high-rise buildings, telecommunication towers and building, if any, above which such telecommunication tower is erected, the owner and the structural engineer who had issued the structural stability certificate as per these rules shall be responsible for the structural stability of such towers building(s)/constructions.

(11) The licensee, who issues false certificate/information or violates any of the functions and responsibilities entrusted on him/her as per the provisions of these Rules, shall also be liable for action as prescribed in sub-rules (7) and (8) of rule 144 of the Building Rules. (12) If the applicant fails to remit the specified compounding fee and/or fails to comply with the conditions on or before the date specified in the regularisation order, such order shall cease to operate from the next day of the said date.

(13) The Secretary shall maintain a register of all treasury remittances towards compounding fee and shall forward quarterly reports thereonto the Government through the Director of Panchayats.

(14) The Secretary shall also maintain a permanent register of all unauthorised buildings/ Constructions regularised under these rules, containing details such as name and address of the applicant, Survey/resurvey number(s) and name of village, occupancy, number of storeys, floor area of each floor, violation of rules regularised, number and date of the Government Order and the formal order thereof, by which regularisation was granted, amount of compounding fee remitted with chalan receipt particulars, Conditions, if any, stipulated in the order and action taken thereon.

(15) The appropriate authority shall take action against Government Servants, as per the Rules applicable to them, who manipulate, prepare and furnish false reports intentionally against the spirit of these rules.

(16) The Compounding fee once remitted, shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

6. Procedure in case the application for regularisation is rejected.--

1) In case the applicant does not fully Comply with any of the condition(s) stipulated in the regularisation order including non-remittance of Compounding fee within the time limit specified, it shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to take appropriate action for the demolition of the building or part thereof as per the provisions contained in the Building Rules.

(2) If the owner of any unauthorised construction fails to submit any application for regularisation duly filled up in the prescribed form with relevant details within the stipulated time or if the application for regularisation is rejected in to, the Secretary shaII take appropriate action for the demolition of such unauthorised construction forthwith and recover the cost of demolition from the owner, as if it were arrears of property tax.

(3) The Secretary shall have the power to initiate prosecution against the owner or the person responsible for the unauthorised construction for not complying with the provisions of the Act and the rules or any orders issued thereunder. Strict action shall be taken against the Secretaries who default in taking action against such persons who do not apply for regularization in time per these Rules or whose application for regularization is rejected by Government as per these Rules

(4) No regularisation of unauthorised construction shall be allowed in future.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ