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(2) Where the amount at the credit of a local authority/ local fund at the end of a year as per the pass book differ from the amount shown in the books of accounts maintained by the said local authority/local fund, a reconciliation statement shall be attached with the annual accounts presented for audit.

(3) The accounts relating to a financial year shall be presented for audit within four months from the close of the financial year concerned: Provided that in case where the accounting year followed by a local authority local fund differs from a financial year, the annual accounts of such institutions shall be presented for audit with in four months from the close of the accounting year.

(4) The pro forma accounts and statements of expenditure relating to the grants sanctioned to the Universities by the University Grants Commission or the State Government or other Financial Agents for specified schemes shall be presented for audit as the Work relating to the Scheme is finalised. In the case of continuing schemes the accounts of such schemes shall be presented for audit as required by the Financing Agency.

(5) In the case of grants sanctioned by the State Committee of Science and Technology, the accounts relating to the research schemes shall be presented for audit as Soon as the research work is finalised or the grant received is utilised as the case may be.

(6) The Director shall have authority to require the preparation and presentation of any further statement of accounts which he considers necessary for the proper conduct of audit of accounts of a particular local authority/local fund.

(7) The annual accounts or such other accounts due for audit shall be presented to the officers Concerned as shown below: -

     (a) Accounts relating to the institutions :       To the head of the concurrent audit Wing where concurrent audit Wings function

     (b) Accounts of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Institutions in Malabar and Kasargode area :     To the Deputy Director, Hindu Religious Endowment Audit, Palakkad

     (c) Other Institutions:      To the Deputy Director of the Concerned District.

16. Default in the preparation and presentation of annual accounts for audit.- (1) Proceedings in a Court of law against an Executive authority who has not presented for audit the annual accounts of the local authority/local fund concerned with in the time limit specified under sub-section (1) of the section 9 of the Act, shall be carried on by the Joint Director/Senior Deputy Director/Deputy Director who is in charge of audit of accounts of the local authority/local fund concerned. For imitating the proceedings, such officer shall file a compliant in Writing of the facts constituting the offence in the court having jurisdiction in the area in which the head quarters of the local authority/local fund is situated.

(2) The show cause notice under sub-section (3) of Section 9 of the Act shall be issued by an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Director who is in charge of audit of accounts of the institution concerned in Form VII appended to these rules.

17. Procedure to be followed when the annual accounts presented for audit are defective sincomplete.- The annual accounts of a local authority/local fund presented for audit in a defective or incomplete manner shall be returned to the Executive authority concerned for a rectification of the defects detected on scrutiny or for supplying omissions noticed. Such annual account shall be deemed to have been presented for audit only on the date of receipt of the annual accounts after rectification of the defects/omissions pointed out by the audit.

18. Issue of Audit Report.- (1) As soon as practicable after the completion of audit, but not later than three months thereafter, the auditor shall send to the Head of the local authorities/ local funds concerned, a report on the accounts audited and examined by him and the copies of

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: BibinVB

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