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(2) When a fraud or misappropriation has been fully investigated by the auditor, he shall submit a complete report on the case to the Director, who shall send copies thereof either to the Controlling authority or the Government as the case may be:

Provided that where the Executive Authority (President/Vice President, Chairman/Vice Chairman etc.) or the Head of Office of a local authority is involved or there are grounds for suspecting his complicity in the fraud or misappropriation or the serious irregularities, neither the preliminary nor the complete report shall be sent to any of these officers.

13. Objections settled to be included in report in certain circumstances.- Objection which have been settled on the spot shall be included in the report, if the irregularities are of a serious nature or point to any defect in procedure or error in principle.

14. Draft audit report to be shown to the Executive authority on the close of audit - Draft audit reports of all institutions included in the Schedule shall be shown to the Executive authority of the respective institutions on the close of audit and proper acknowledgement shall be obtained in the draft audit report itself.

15. The form and the manner in which the accounts are to be prepared and presented for audit.- (1) (a) The annual accounts of a local authority/local fund prepared or caused to be prepared by the executive authority under sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Act shall be in Form VI and VI (A) appended to these rules. The same shall containing the following details

(a) the opening balance for the year showing the balance in each bank/treasury account;

(b) a statement of receipts and payments under each head of account:

(c) the amount at the credit of the local authority/local fund at the end of the year showing the balance in each bank/treasury account;

(d) a statement showing the demand, collection and balance or revenue collection including arrear Collection;

(e) a statement of investments made;

(f) a list of grants received during the year;

(g) a list of loans availed;

(h) a statement showing the outstanding debts at the beginning of the year, repayment made during the year and outstanding debts at the end of the year, and

(i) a statement of assets and liabilities as on the close of the accounting year.

 (b) The annual account presented for audit by Panchayats, Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporation shall include:-

(i) statement of grants received and utilised;

(ii) a statement of loans availed and utilised;

(iii) a statement showing the details of public Works undertaken during the financial year concerned, amount expanded for each Work and balance of fund, if any, available;

(iv) the statement of grants and statement of loans shall be prepared in Form VI and VI (A) appended to these rules.

 (c) The annual accounts presented for audit by the Universities shall include:- (i) a Demand Collection Balance Statement of examination fee collected by the Controller; (ii) a Demand Collection Balance Statement of University Union fee and sports affiliation fee to be collected by the principals of affiliated colleges and remitted to University fund; and (iii) a Demand Collection Balance Statement of fees and other dues collected by the teaching departments of the University.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: BibinVB

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