Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0101

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(2) The Government may in consultation with the State Election Commission, appoint an officer not below the rank of Additional Secretary to Government as Secretary to the State Election Commission.

(3) The officers and employees referred to in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) shall continue to be Government servants for all purposes and their terms and conditions of service shall continue to be the same as applicable to them under the Government.

(4) The State Election Commission shall, in consultation with the Government 44[x x] designate or nominate such of the officers of the Government or of the local authority, as officers for the purpose of preparation and revision of electoral rolls and conduct of elections under this Act.

13. District Election Officers.- (1) The State Election Commission shall, in consultation with the Government, designate or nominate an officer of the Government or a local authority as district election officer for each district:

Provided that the State Election Commission, may designate or nominate more than one such officer for a district if it is satisfied that the functions of the office cannot be performed satisfactorily by one such officer.

(2) Where more than one district election officer is designated or nominated for a district, the State Election Commission shall in the order designating or nominating them also specify the area in respect of which each such officer shall exercise jurisdiction.

(3) Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the State Election Commission, every district election officer shall co-ordinate and supervise all works in the area within his jurisdiction including preparation and revision of the electoral rolls in connection with the conduct of elections for all constituencies within the district.

(4) The district election officer shall also perform such other functions relating to the election as may be entrusted to him by the State Election Commission.

14. Electoral Registration Officer.— (1) The electoral rolls for all the constituencies comprised in a Village Panchayat shall be prepared and revised, in such manner as may be prescribed, by an electoral registration officer who shall be such officer of the Government or of a local authority as the State Election Commission may, in consultation with the Government, designate or nominate in this behalf.

(2) An electoral registration officer may, subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed, employ competent teachers of schools including aided schools or Government employees or employees of local authorities for the preparation and revision of the electoral rolls for the constituencies.

15. Assistant Electoral Registration Officer — (1) The State Election Commission may designate one or more persons as assistant electoral registration officers to assist any electoral registration officer in the performance of his functions:

Provided that every such person shall be an officer of the Government or of a Panchayat.

(2) Every assistant electoral registration officer shall, subject to the control of the electoral registration officer, be competent to perform all or any of the functions of the electoral registration officer.