Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0799

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(4) The minimum clear width of access to a building and plot as well as the width of the street giving access to the plot from the main street shall be 6 metres and shall be motorable.

5) Every building or part thereof, designed or intended for the handling of storage of food stuffs shall conform to the requirements specified below:

(a) every building unless supported on pillars shall have continuous foundation walls extending from atleast 0.60 metre below ground level to at least 0.15 metre above ground level or shall have a continuous floor of masonry or reinforced concrete or other quality rat-proof -material.

(b) all openings in foundations or floors, windows and drains and all junctions between foundations and walls of the buildings shall be effectively rat-proofed ; windows and doors shall be securely covered with rat proof screening or grillage or shall be tightly closed with metal sheeting, concrete or other quality rat -proof -material.

(6) In the case of storage or warehousing occupancy buildings, irrespective of their number of floors a certificate of approval from the Director of Fire Force or an officer authorised by him in this behalf shall be obtained and produced for issuing building permit.

(7) All other requirements in respect of fire protection in storage including warehousing building shall conform to part IV, Fire and Life Safety, National Building Code of India, 2005 and Amendment No.3

(8) The minimum sanitation facilities shall be as in Table 6 given in sub-rule (6) of Rule 56.

61.Group 1 - Hazardous occupancy.— (1) Approval of the District Town Plannershall be obtained for the usage of plot up to one hectare area and/or layout of buildings up to 1000 sq.metres in floor area under hazardous occupancy and approval of the Chief Town Planner shall be obtained for usage of plot exceeding one hectare area and/or layout of buildings above 1000 sg. metres in floor area

Provided that, in the case of Type C magazines as per the provisions contained in the Explosives Rules, 2008, such approval of the District Town Planner or Chief Town Planner is not necessary. However all other mandatory clearances applicable for such constructions shall be obtained.

(2) The usage of plots proposed for development or redevelopment or construction of any building shall be governed by the provisions contained in the detailed town planning scheme or development plan for the locality:

Provided that where no such plan exists the usage of the plot and/or building shall be decided by the Chief Town Planner or an officer authorized by him in this behalf:

Provided further that, in the case of Type C magazines, as per the provisions contained in the Explosives Rules, 2008, such approval of the District Town Planner or Chief Town Planner is not necessary. However all other mandatory clearances applicable for such constructions shall be obtained.

(3) The minimum width of open yard all around the building shall be 7.5 metres:

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ