Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0635

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Rule 10 K. P. R. (PUBLIC LATRINES, URINALS, ETC...) RULES, 1998 635

(2) Every owner or occupier of the land in which any group of six or more huts exists shall provide latrines of such description and number and in such condition as the Panchayat may, by notice, require, within such time as may be fixed in the notice, for the use of the inhabitants of such huts.

(3) If such work to be done under sub-rule (1) or (2) is not carried out within the time specified in the notice, the Panchayat may, if it thinks fit, cause such work to be executed and the expenses incurred therefor be paid by the owner or occupier in default and if not paid accordingly, the same may be recovered as arrear of tax to the Panchayat.

6. Providing of latrines for labourers. Every person employing workmen, labourers or other persons exceeding nine in number, shall provide and maintain latrines of such description and number and in such position as the Panchayat may, by notice, require, within such time as may be fixed in the notice for the separate use of males and females so employed.

7. Providing of latrines for markets, cart-stands, cattle-sheds, inns, etc.— The Panchayat may, by notice, require the owner or manager of a market, cart-stand, cattle-shed, Inn, tourist centre, theatre, railway station, port, park or other place of public resort, within the time as may be specified in such notice, to provide and maintain latrines of such description and number and in such position for the separate use of males and females

8. Latrines to be screened from view and kept clean.- All latrines shall be so constructed as to screen the persons using the same and the filth from the view of persons passing by or residing in the neighbourhood and shall be kept clean and in proper conditions.
9. Providing of public urinals and bathing ghats.-(1) Public urinals and bathing ghats shall be provided for the use of the public in densely populated places and the places which Panchayat thinks fit.

(2) The Panchayat may, take its own measures to keep the public urinals and bathing ghats clean and to protect them or entrust such works with any person or establishment and levy fees from the public in the manner as may be decided by the Panchayat and the right to collect the fee may be given by auction or licence:

Provided that, no fees of any kind shall be levied from the public for bathing ghats provided with the tanks, rivers and streams, owned by the Panchayat.

(3) The Panchayat shall make available fresh water required in the public bathing ghats and urinals and shall provide necessary drainage facility to drain the filthy water.

10. Panchayat to provide for the removal of rubbish, solid waste and filth.- (1) Every Panchayat shall make adequate arrangements for,

(a) the regular sweeping and cleaning of the streets and the removal of the sweepings therefrom;

(b) the daily removal of the filth and the carcasses of animals from private premises;

 (c) the removal of solid wastes; and

(d) the daily removal of rubbish from dust-bins, waste-boxes and private premises, and with this object it shall provide,

(i) depots, receptacles and places for the deposit of the filth, rubbish and the carcasses of animals,

(ii) covered Vehicles and vessels for the removal of filth,

(iii) vehicles or other suitable means for the removal of the carcasses of large animals and rubbish,