
From Panchayatwiki
Revision as of 07:15, 28 May 2019 by Animon (talk | contribs) (' 10. Is there any Government orders, circulars, :.... any other form of communication against the plot/land or any constru...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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10. Is there any Government orders, circulars, :.... any other form of communication against the plot/land or any construction works therein. (Specify Yes/No) If Yes, furnish the details

11. Any other details pertaining to or of relevance ......... to the plot and buildings therein (Specify Yes/No): If Yes, furnish the details

12. Checklist of enclosures to be furnished by the owner : (3) SI. Item of enclosures to be furnished by the owner Applicability No. (1) (2) (a) Receipt for payment of application fee, if any paid to the Compulsory Grama Panchayat as per Rule 4 of these rules (b) (i) Four copies each of the floor plans, elevations and sections of the Compulsory building(s) constructed, the site plan and wherever applicable, the service plans, parking plans and specifications drawn as provided in sub-rule (11) of rule 7 of the Building Rules, duly signed and certified iding Rules duly signed and certified in the format given under sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of these Rules by the owner/by the licensee and if applicable, by the Structural Engineer who has issued the structural stability certificate. (or) (ii) In the case of huts, four copies each of a site plan showing the outline of the built-up area, the boundaries of the plot and nearby streets duly signed by the owner, (or) (iii) In the case of constructions under approved Schemes as mentioned in rule 72 of the Building Rules with total floor area of building up to 60 sq. metres and number of floors limited to two and a stair room, where the construction has to be done by individuals separately, grysoto four copies each of a site plan showing the outline of the built-up area, the boundaries of the plot and nearby betulosa wiosce cei streets, duly signed by the owner. Note.– (1) the unauthorised construction applied for regularization shall be indicated in red colour outline in the drawings. (2) The following shall be the format for Certificate on the drawings by:- (i) the owner: "Certified that this is the drawing(s) having reference to the details furnished in Form 1-A and documents enclosed along with." ia (ii) the Licensee: "Certified that this is the drawing(s) having reference to the details furnished in Form I-A and documents enclosed along with and that the details and measurements therein conform to actual constructions made in the site." "Certified further that, the unauthorised building(s) under reference is/are structurally stable" (strike out this certification if the unauthorised building(s) is high-rise building and/or telecommunication tower). Beri Also certified that I fulfil the necessary qualifications and experience as specified in the Building Rules and these Rules. (iii) the Structural Engineer: "Certified that the unauthorised high-rise building(s)/unauthorised telecommunication tower(s)/the building above which such unauthorised telecommunication tower is erected (strike out which is/are not applicable) as per the drawings and Form I-A enclosed herewith is/ are structurally stable. (this certification is required only if the unauthorised construction is a high-rise building and/or telecommunication tower). Certified further that I fulfil necessary qualifications and experience as specified in the Building Rules and these Rules. (C) Documents to prove ownership of land