
From Panchayatwiki

          (2) When a declaration under clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) Comes into operation and until it is withdrawn, the Collector or any person duly authorised by him by general or special order, or if empowered in this behalf by rules made under this Act, the Health Officer, or any other officer of the local authority Concerned or any officer of the Government other than the Collector may, subject to such exceptions, restrictions, limitations and conditions and to such control as may be prescribed either generally or in the case of the notified disease to which the declaration relates, exercise the following powers namely:-

            (a) power to order the evacuation of infected houses and houses adjoining them or in their neighbourhood, or generally of all houses in any infected locality;

            (b) power to make vaccination and preventive inoculations Compulsory Subject to the provisions of Sub-section (3);

            (c) power to direct-

              (i) that persons arriving from places outside the local area or residing in any building adjacent to, or in the neighborhood of an infected building, shall be examined by any specified medical officer or by any one of a specified class of medical officers;

              (ii) that the clothing, bedding or other articles belonging to such persons shall be disinfected if there is reason to suspect that they have been exposed to infection; and

              (iii) that any such person shall give his address and present himself daily for medical examination at a specified time and place, for a period not exceeding ten days;

            (d) power to take such measures as may be necessary -

              (i) in respect of, or in relation to, persons exposed to infection from any notified disease, or likely to infect other persons with any such disease; and

              (ii) in respect of, or in relation to, articles exposed to infection from any notified disease, or likely to infect persons with any such disease,

              including, in case (i) the placing of restrictions on the movements of Such persons, and in case (ii), the destruction of such articles and the placing of restrictions on their export from import into or transport within, the local area;

            (e) power to direct that at any place within or outside the local area, any consignment of grain exported from or imported into, such area by rail, road or otherwise, shall be examined and, if necessary, unloaded and disinfected in any specified manner; and

            (f) power to close all or any existing markets and to appoint special places where markets may be held.

          (3)(a) If any person who, or a child in whose care is sought to be vaccinated or inoculated in pursuance of the power referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (2) declares before a Magistrate specially empowered by the Government in this behalf that as a result of a careful enquiry into the subject, he believes that such vaccination or inoculation will be injurious to his health or the health of the child, as the case may be, the Magistrate may, after giving notice to the Health Officer and hearing any representations made by him or on his behalf, exempt such person or child from vaccination or inoculation on Condition of the person aforesaid undertaking to subject himself and the members of his family to isolation of such description and for such period and to such further restrictions, if any, as may be directed by the Magistrate:

            Provided that any exemption granted under this clause shall cease to have effect after a conviction under clause (b) and no exemption shall be granted to any person who has been so convicted.

            (b) Any person who commits a breach of any undertaking given by him under clause (a) shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three months, or with fine not exceeding one hundred rupees or with both.

          (4) The local authority or the Government may, in its discretion, give compensation to any person who, in its opinion, has sustained substantial loss by the destruction of any property under

ഈ താൾ 2018 -ലെ പഞ്ചായത്ത് റെപ്പോ നിർമ്മാണം യജ്ഞത്തിന്റെ ഭാഗമായി തിരുത്തൽ വായന നടത്തി.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ തിരുത്തൽ വായന നടത്തിയ ലേഖനങ്ങൾ