Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0285

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(5) If in the course of a year a Panchayat finds it necessary to modify the estimates shown in the budget with regard to its receipts or expenditure on the different services undertaken by it, the Standing Committee shall frame a supplemental or revised budget and forward it to the Panchayat for sanction.

(6) Save in the case of a pressing emergency no sum shall be expended by or on behalf of a Panchayat unless such sum in included in the budget estimates in force at the time of incurring the expenditure.

[(7) As soon as the budget is passed, copies thereof shall be furnished to the Government and to the officers authorised by the Government in this behalf and also to the auditors and such authorised officers shall prepare a consolidated statement of the budget estimate of the Panchayats in each district:

Provided that, the Village Panchayats and the Block Panchayats in a district shall furnish copies of the budget passed by them to the District Panchayat and the District Planning Committee concerned.]

[(8) A Panchayat shall not either incur any expenditure in excess of the provision in the budget or where the budget of the year has not been passed before the first day of April, make any expenditure from that date.] 215. Accounts and Audit.- (1) The Panchayat shall maintain such books of accounts and other books in relation to its accounts and prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form as may be prescribed.

(2) Accounts of receipts and expenditure of every Panchayat shall be maintained for every financial year in such form as may be prescribed.

(3) The Examiner of Local Fund Accounts and his nominees shall be the auditors of the Panchayat.

(4) The auditors shall conduct a continuous audit of the accounts of the Panchayat and shall after completing the audit for a year or for any shorter period or for any transaction or series of transactions, send a report to the Panchayat concerned and duplicate copies thereof to the officer authorised by the Government in this behalf.

(5) The auditors shall specify in the report under sub-section (4) all cases of irregular, illegal or improper expenditure or of failure to recover moneys or other property due to the Panchayat, or any loss or waste of money or other property thereof caused by neglect or misconduct of the officer and authorities of the Panchayat.

(6) The auditors shall also report on any other matter relating to the accounts of the Panchayats as may be required by the Government, to the officer authorised by the Government in this behalf.

(7) The Panchayat shall forthwith remedy any defect or irregularity pointed out by the auditors and report the action taken to the officer authorised by the Government in this behalf.

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