Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1157

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Number of election/ administrative wards in the city/town Example
8 Quantity of Solid waste
Estimated Quantity of solid waste generated in the local body area per day in metric tones Example
Quantity of solid waste collected per day Example
Per capita waste collected per day Example
Quantity of solid waste processed Example
Quantity of solid waste disposed at landfill Example
9 Status of Solid Waste Management (SWM) service Example
Segregation and storage of waste at source Whether solid waste is stored at source in domestic/commercial/institutional bins If yes, Percentage of households practice storage of waste at source in domestic bins Percentage of non-residential premises practice storage of waste at source in commercial/institutional bins Percentage of households dispose of throw solid waste on the streets Percentage of non-residential premises dispose of throw solid waste on the streets Whether solid waste is stored at source in a segregated form If yes, Percentage of premises segregating the waste at source Example
Door to Door Collection of solid waste
Whether door to door collection (D2D) of solid waste is being done in the city/town
if yes Example
Example Number of wards covered in D2D collection of waste Example
Example No. of households covered Example
Example No. of non-residential premises including commercial establishments, hotels, restaurants educational institutions/offices etc covered Example
Example Percentage of residential and non-residential premises covered in door to door collection through : Motorized vehicle Containerized tricycle/handcart Other device
Example If not, method of primary collection adopted Example
Example Sweeping of streets Length of roads, streets, lanes, bye-lanes in the city that need to be cleaned Example
Example Frequency of street sweepings and percentage of population covered Frequency - Daily - Alternate days - Twice a week - Occasionally

% of pupulation
