Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0592

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23. Public markets situated within the area of two or more Panchayats.-

(1) The responsibility for the conduct and maintenance of a public market situated within the local limits of two or more Panchayats shall vest with the Panchayat having the major portion of that market within it.

(2) The Panchayat, vested with the responsibility under sub-rule (1), shall meet all expenses for the maintenance and conduct of the market concerned..

(3) The Panchayat having the responsibility for the conduct and maintenance of a public market situated within the local limits of two or more Panchayats shall, in case of conducting auction to lease out any portion of or stall in such market, publish notice regarding the same in the area of all Panchayats sharing the income from that market.

(4) The Panchayat vested with the conduct and maintenance of a market under sub-rule (1) shall, after giving notice to the Presidents of other Panchayats in which area such market is situated take procedure regarding the auction.

(5) The income obtained by conducting the auction shall, after deducting the expenditure for meeting the responsibility under sub-rule (2), be apportioned among the Panchayats concerned in proportion to the Panchayat area lying within that market.

(6) The President of the Panchayat conducting the auction shall, within seven days of receipt of each instalment of auction amount, pay the share under sub-rule (5) to the Panchayats concerned. If the collection from the market are made direct, without conducting any auction, the share due to the Panchayats concerned shall be paid within the first four days of the week following the week during which such collections are made.

24. Private markets situated within the limits of two or more Panchayats.-

(1) The authority to issue licence to a private market situated within the local limits of two or more Panchayats shall rest with the Panchayat having the major portion of that market within it.

(2) The income obtained by way of licence fees from the private markets situated within the local area of two or more Panchayats shall be apportioned among the Panchayats concerned in proportion to the Panchayat area lying within that market. The Panchayat issuing the licence shall, within 7 days from the date of receipt of the amount of licence fees, give such share to the Panchayat concerned.

25. Distance between markets.-

In a Panchayat neither a new public market shall be opened nor licence shall be issued for a private market within a distance of 3 kilometres from an existing public or private market in the same Panchayat: SOBOTA Provided that in the case of an evening market, such distance limit shall be 1.5 kilometres from an existing evening market.] geograd

26. Penalty for breach of rules.-

Any person violating or abetting violation of sub-rules (2), (3) and (4) of Rule 5, sub-rule (4) of Rule 11 and Rule 18 shall, on conviction before a Magistrate, be liable for a penalty not exceeding one **[Two hundred rupees] and in case of continuing such offence, be liable for a penalty not exceeding fifty rupees for each such day. miesto veomosdum

See Clause (c) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 5]

................... Panchayat Permit No...................20................

Permission is hereby granted to Shri.. ...........(Name and address) to ..........(Name of article) in *stall No............../open space in the .......