Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0774

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Rule 34

(iv) The classification of buildings into occupancy groups are only for the purpose of these rules. The 'Occupancy group' is not synonymous with the use zones mentioned in the zoning regulations stipulated in Town Planning Schemes.]

(3) The description of occupancies are given below, namely:

(a) Group A1 .- Residential Building shall include any building in which sleeping accommodation is provided for normal residential purposes, with or without either cooking, and dining facilities. They shall include one or multifamily dwellings, apartment buildings or residential flats. Small professional offices or spaces for advocates, doctors, engineers, architects, chartered accountants, beauticians, tailors, photographers, videographers, telephone booth operators, computer professionals, typists electrical or electronic equipment service professionals, not exceeding 50 sq. metres floor area and used as part of principal residential occupancy are also included in this group.

(b) Group A2.— Lodging Houses shall include all lodging or rooming houses, seminaries/ convents, orphanage, dormitories, tourist homes, tourist resorts (or by whatever name called), hostels, hotels with or without conference halls, dining halls or assembly rooms. Crèches, daycare centres, children's nurseries, reading rooms, libraries and educational buildings not exceeding 150 sq. metres of floor area are also included in this group.

(c) Group B. - Educational building shall include all educational buildings or part thereof, exceeding 150 sq. metres of floor area, used for school,college, institutions, education and /or research.

(d) Group C.- Medical or Hospital Building shall include any building or part thereof, exceeding 150 sq. metres of floor area which is used for purposes such as medical or other treatment or care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, disease or infirmity, care of infants, convalescents or aged persons. Hospitals, sanatoria, clinics, homes for the aged and the infirm, convalescent homes, mental hospitals etc, are included in this group.

(e) Group D.- Assembly building shall include any building or part of a building exceeding 150 sq. metres of floor area where people congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, patriotic, political, civil, travel and similar purposes such as theatres, motion picture houses or cinemas, assembly halls for educational, dramatic or theatrical presentations, auditoriums, wedding halls, community halls, exhibition halls, art galleries, museums, libraries, skating rings, gymnasiums, congregation, dance halls, club rooms, passenger stations or transport terminals, recreation piers, amusement park structures, viewing stands, grand stands, stadia and circus tents.

(f) Group E.— Office or Business building shall include any building or part of a building having a total floor area of more than 300 sq: metres which is used for transaction of public or private business or for accommodating offices of public or private agencies or for keeping of records, accounts and similar purposes. Local, State and Central Government offices, buildings for office purposes constructed by private sector and quasi government agencies and buildings for the use of defense purposes, court houses, public utility buildings, jails and prisons are included in this group. All Information Technology Buildings are also included in this group. Further, in the case of Government Owned Information Technology Parks, Government Approved Private Information Technology Parks and Government Approved Private Information Technology Buildings; all buildings or part of buildings intended for providing ancillary or support services, amenities and utilities such as offices, residences, social amenities, recreational facilities, commercial establishments etc shall also fall under this occupancy group.